chapter eight

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the beginning bit is seth's pov.. but still in third person if that makes sense
he briefly saw her collect her things before he closed the bathroom door. he sat against the counter, letting his head rest in his hands as frustrated and pained tears rolled down his cheeks. maybe five minutes after he entered the bathroom there was a knock against the door.

"go away nova." he said sternly, only to be met with a guys voice.

"novas gone back to her house, it's parker." he looked up from his lap and pulled himself up from the floor, walking to open the door. his arms immediately wrapped around the brunette, holding him tightly as he tried to compose himself.

"what happened seth?" parker hummed, patting the taller boys back.

"she thinks i'm using her for her body." he muttered, letting go of parker and plopped onto the bed. parker followed the ravenette with his eyes then leaned against the doorframe.

"what makes you think that?" seth scoffed.

"the fact that she said, and i quote 'maybe i just don't want to be used as a fuck toy whenever you feel like it." parker sucked in a breath, walking to sit besides him.

"maybe you two just need a break from each other... have some alone time and calm down with each other."

"yeah i guess.. it's just the fact that i would give the world to her if i could.. i feel so drawn towards her that it just hurt hearing that, you know?" parker nodded.

"i know, but you didn't express your feelings to her did you, verbally?" seth shook his head.

"then it could seem like that, even if you know you don't mean it like that." the ravenette hummed softly, eyes closing tightly as the image of her face stung in his mind. the way she looked at him after he yelled at her, she looked terrified.

"fuck." he grumbled, standing but being stopped by a hand on his arm.

"you can't go over there right now.. you guys need some time apart." he tried to shake free from parker's grasp but it only lead to parker standing in front of him.

"i have to apologize, f-for yelling and scaring her." parker grabbed onto him rougher, making their eyes meet.

"you cannot go over there right now... okay? you might make things worse." his eyes teared up again, looking down into the brown eyes.

"she looked terrified of me, parker." he nodded softly, pulling seth to sit down.

"i know.. just wait a few days alright? give her time to catch herself." seth groaned but plopped down onto his bed, resting his hands over his eyes. his bed felt empty without the red head. her side of the bed was cold and her head wasn't buried in his chest like it usually was. he missed her. he untangled the blankets on his bed and found her blue bracelet. she always had it on, said it was her favorite. he picked it up and slipped it onto his wrist, resting his head into the pillows.
he couldn't sleep without her being on his mind, couldn't leave the house without looking up at her window. most of the time she was sat in the window, knees to her chest. he didn't have an appetite and mainly just stayed in his room. this would be day six of this. parker and jackson always got him food when they went out but he didn't eat a lot of it like he normally did.

"seth." jackson's voice rang in his ears after hearing three soft knocks on his door.

"what." he muttered, keeping his head pressed in the pillows.

"someone's here for you." he sat up as the door was slowly pushed open, nova peaking her head in,

"can i come in?" she said softly, staying outside of the door until he nodded. she walked in and sat on the bean bag across from him, avoiding his eyes.

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