Part 2-Idea

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Octavia P.O.V.
I honestly don't know if I can do this anymore. I've been going out more and more just get away from "home". I don't even think I can call it that anymore. Dad always tries his best to talk to me and make sure that I was okay despite all the fighting. While I appreciated his efforts, they didn't help much. I'm growing more and more frustrated with him. I can tell he feels bad about everything happening but he's still meeting up with that imp despite the situation. He isn't even trying to fix it. Deep down I want to be so much more angry with him but I can't. To be fair he has always been there for me. Dad wasn't home so I had the whole house to myself. Then I had an idea." How about I visit the living world!" I said out loud. "No, no! That would be crazy, if dad found out he would be so upset! Uhhh!" I slumped down on the couch thinking about what I should do. I decided that I would try and open a portal to earth. I walked into my dads room where he usually keeps him grimoire. I grabbed it out of the drawer. "Ok, now where is that portal spell dad always uses."I said while flipping through the pages. When I found it I laid the book out on the bed. I took a deep breath"ok here it goes."I said. The portal opened up but only to close again. I tried a second time but it was the same result."uhhh how do you cast this spell properly?"I said annoyed. I then remembered something my father told me when I was little.
"Whoa so cool papa! How did you do that? it looks hard!"He looked down at me with amazement in my eyes. He chuckled. " it's simple really. All you have to do is breath and focus on where you want the portal to open on. Concentrate and then cast the spell with all your might!"he said picking me up. I giggled"If you say so papa!"
End of flashback:
That's what I was doing wrong! I need to open the portal on something. I looked around the room and decided that I would open the portal on a book shelf. "No messing up this time."I took I deep breath closed my eyes and focused on the book shelf. A few moments later I successfully opened the portal."I did it!"I yelled happily. I slowly stepped into the portal holding the grimoire. I was in an ally way. I peeked around the corner and saw tons of humans. I was about to step out when I forgot something."oh right a human disguise!" I snapped my fingers. I closed the portal and picked up the grimoire. I thought about what I should do."I guess I'll just walk around."I said to myself. So I explored. Earth was pretty interesting. I walked around admiring all the technology and sights. After an hour of walking I decided to take a break. I walked down to a beach and sat down in the sand it was quiet. The only thing you could here were the waves crashing on the shore. I haven't felt this calm in a while. "It's so nice not listening to screaming for once."I said out loud. "Earth would be a perfect place to get away from home. It would be far far away-"I stopped myself."NO Octavia. Don't be ridiculous, you could never do something like that."I said out loud laughing nervously. After a while I decided to go back. I found another ally way to open the portal in."ok let's hope dad isn't home yet." I changed back into my bird form and hoped through the portal I opened. I quietly placed the grimoire back into the drawer. Five minutes later my dad came home. I rushed out of his room."hello Via how are you? I'm sorry I was gone for-"he stopped. He noticed that I was nervously sweating."Via, are you okay? did something happen?"he asked."N-no! Everything's perfectly fine!"I said trying my best to sound normal. "Ok then? Anyway, as I was saying sorry about being gone for so long I had a lot of Errands to do."he said apologetically."It's alright dad, uh anyway I'm just gonna head up to bed o-ok?"I said. "Oh o-ok good night Via!" He shouted to me. I fell back on my bed. I was proud of myself for going to the human world without my dad. Who knows? I might do it again some time.

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