Part 10-training

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Octavia P.O.V.
"Wake up." I jumped out of bed frightened. "Jesus Iguro, you scared the hell out of me!" I said sitting up. "Hurry up and get changed we're starting training today." He said firmly."uhh fine."I replied. He gave me the uniform and left the room. I quickly got changed and went outside. It was kinda dark since the sun still wasn't up yet. "Ok listen up kid. This kind of training is no joke, and I won't go easy on you." Iguro said. "I understand" I replied. "First, I will be teaching concentration breathing, then Once you've mastered that I will teach you the Snake technique." He explained. "First of all, what's concentration breathing?"I asked tilting my head. " Concentration breathing is an advanced and esoteric breathing technique where a user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their utmost limits."he explained."Alright, your first task is to run up this mountain." He said while pointing behind him. I didn't complain, even though I had my doubts, and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Great..."I thought to myself. "If you don't finish by sun down no dinner."He said. Hearing that I started sprinting. While I was running I had to dodge obstacle Iguro planted. "I'm starting to think Iguro's trying to kill me!" I said as I dodged knives.
2 hours later
"I'm"I said panting and using the wall for support. I was Exhausted and covered in dirt and bruises. "Hm thought it would take you longer." He said. "Not bad for your first day Octavia." He said. "Thanks...."I replied. "Alright, eat up then go to sleep. Tomorrow will be more then just running up a mountain." He said. "Alright...." I slumped over to the table He left my dinner on. I'll admit, Iguro's cooking was pretty good. I quickly ate up and went straight to sleep.
And from that day on I trained harder each day. He made me run up a mountain pretty much everyday, and right after that we would get to sword striking. His training Certainly wasn't easy, and I almost passed out a few times. After a while I started putting on muscle, my reflexes became much sharper, and I was able to land a few blows on Iguro. Before I knew it I had mastered Concentration breathing! I was ecstatic to know that I had become stronger.
Me and Iguro also became pretty close friends after a while of being around each other all the time. He comes off as cold and harsh but he can actually be really nice. "Congratulations Octavia, you have successfully mastered concentration breathing." He said sounding happy. I was really exited but I didn't really show it because I know he doesn't like it when I let my emotions take over. "I couldn't have done it without you Iguro." I said smiling. "You can call me Obanai." My eyes widened. He only lets a select few call him by his first name, mostly the ones he cares about. "Ok Obanai. Oh! And you can call me Via!" I said happily. He looked a little surprised but then his face relaxed. "Anyways, as a little reward I cooked all your favorites." He said turning to the table behind him. "Thank you so much Obanai!" I said hoping over to the table. He was making his way out of the room. Obanai never stays and eats with me, I bet if I ask this time he'll agree. "Hey Obanai, why don't you stay and eat with me?" I asked. He looked kinda shocked. "Via I- pleeeease?" I gave him the puppy eyes. He sighed and smacked his forehead. "Fine...." He said walking over to sit down. "Works every time" I thought to myself.

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