Part 15- Star breathing Info (IMPORTANT)

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First form:
Starlight slash
This is a single strike attack that allows the user to cut its enemy's head off with great speed and ease.
Second form:
Constellation clash
This form allows the user to restrain its opponent for a very short period of time while the user strikes multiple times in a swirly pattern
Third form:
Moonlight trance
This form allows the user to blend in with night sky and move at a great speed while they continuously attack there opponent while they can't see them
Forth form:
Starlight dance
This form allows the user to repeatedly attack their opponent without stopping in a graceful, but effective pattern
fifth form:
Nebula burst
This form is a long range attack that allows the user to discharge magic from their blade impaling the enemy in multiple vital areas
Sixth form:
Midnight strike
This form is an aggressive close range attack that allows the user to destroy the demon's vital organs making it hard for them to regenerate quickly
Seventh form:
Night time slice
This form allows the user to obtain a great amount of speed while they destroy the demons body. But the lost limbs will not be able to regenerate for a period of time due to the speed they are being cut at.
Eighth form:
Constellation dance:
This form allows the user to slash the demon while forming constellations that greatly damage the enemy.
Ninth form:
Striking star
This form restrains the demon for a long period of time while the user slashes the demon forming a star
Tenth form:
Nightmare assault
This form is only to be used when the user's life is at stake. Specifically for Octavia, she can use her goetia powers unlocking her full demon form. She is violent and unhinged while in this form, and very powerful. This also takes a lot of energy.


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