People Will Write Songs About You, Mikey Way

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a/n: i wrote this entire part, accidentally didn't save it, then cried a bit.

It could've been five minutes, maybe it was an hour, Mikey didn't care how long he had kissed Pete Wentz for. All he cared about was that it was under fireworks shot by teenagers and that Pete Wentz was up on a roof with him.

The notorious Pete Wentz could have anybody. Everybody. Boys, girls, anyone. Mikey didn't understand why the boy that teachers cursed under their breath was hanging out with him. With Mikey's dumb brown hair and dorky glasses, and a habit for stumbling over words when Pete looked at him for too long. Mikey didn't mean to stare at Pete's face while the fireworks went off; the way his face lit up with hues of violet, orange, and yellow. How Pete talked to him between sips of beer. Boys bragged about Pete's blowjobs and girls gossiped about how he was in bed, but Mikey wante to ramble about how Pete Wentz had a lopsided smirk and how his eyes looked underneath fireworks.

Mikey Way was falling in love with Pete Wentz.

"How do I know you're not going to kiss me and just walk away?" Mikey asked, pulling away from Pete's lips. They looked at each other for a while, faces only inches apart.

"What would anyone else have that you don't?" Pete questioned Mikey, looking into the younger's brown eyes.

Mikey was right when he told Pete that he used other people for sex. Pete was good at it, what was so bad with that? But it was the fact that the boy who tried to see the best in everyone, pointed out the fatal flaw in Pete. Pete was willing to never have sex again if it meant to at least hold Mikey's hand. Pete was used to bathroom hook-ups and party dancing, but he didn't need that from Mikey. He wanted fireworks and waterpark visits and songs written about Mikey.

Pete Wentz was falling in love with Mikey Way.

"They - I don't know, they have things you want. They're probably good in bed," Mikey said, looking down a bit.

"I don't care if you're good in bed, Way, I care that you make me feel high when I look at you. The way you look at fireworks and how you smile at people you don't even know."

"But I'm just Mikey fucking Way."

"Stop talking like that," Pete said, leaning in and connecting his lips with Mikey's. Mikey kissed back, feeling Pete's hands on each side of his face, careful not to knock off his glasses. Pete pulled away a bit. "People are gonna write songs about you, Mikey Way."

"I don't think so," Mikey laughed. Pete looked at him.

"I think so. Just wait and see," Pete said, leaning back on the roof, pulling Mikey's head down on his chest.

This was happening. Mikey Way was actually sitting on top of a roof - well past midnight - with Pete Wentz. Maybe Frank was right, maybe Pete would break his heart. Maybe he would break Pete's. He didn't care in that moment. He only cared about the fact that he could perfectly hear Pete's heartbeat and the fact that he had a chance with someone.

"Do you really like me?" Mikey asked, looking up at Pete. But Pete was already fast asleep, his arm wrapped around Mikey's neck, his hand draped over Mikey's shoulder. Mikey smiled as he leaned back on Pete's chest, slowly falling asleep.
- - -
Mikey woke up to the sound of someone yelling and sun shining in his face. He rubbed his forehead as he sat up, realizing that was on a roof and Pete Wentz was nowhere to be seen. He noticed something on his arm. Words. In Sharpie.

No, I think I love you.

He remembered last night, asking Pete if he actually like him. Mikey smiled as he saw Pete's words written on his arm.

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