Life of a cyborg

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Idea from Tonova127: tari's meta runner arm begins to malfunction when she plays games, so she asks meggy for help since egad is on vacation. While fixing her arm they flirt for a bit and talk about what it's like to have a robot arm for tari. Then In the end her arm is fixed.


Meggy moved faster then she had in her entire life, eyes glued to the screen as she smashed button after button. Next to her, Tari was sweating but still had a face of confidence.

Meggy: It's over Tari, I've won!

Tari: Not yet you haven't!

Meggy played as Mario in the kart game, racing ahead of Tari as Yoshi. They were neck and neck, Tari was about to win and Meggy about to lose for the 50th time.

But suddenly, Tari screamed as an electric snapped and an alarm blared out, grabbing her arm as Meggy crossed the finish line first.

Meggy: Yes! I got you at last-

Meggy stopped when she looked at Tari's arm, actually smoking.

Meggy: Oh Shi-Tari, are you okay?!

Tari: Yeah...I'm fine, it's just...just overworked my arm.

Meggy: Overworked?! Tari, there's actually smoke!

Tari looked at her arm, flipping open a panel and seeing a series of broken wires and sparking electronics.

Tari: Damn it...

Meggy: What is it?

Tari: I blew a circuit in my arm. It looks pretty bad...

Meggy: I-it's okay, Egad can fix it!

Tari: He can, but he's out of town for that science convention. (Sigh) I'm gonna be missing an arm for at least a week.

Tari sighed, but felt Meggy's hand on her shoulder.

Meggy: Hey, why don't I give a try at fixing it?

Tari: Really? You know robotics?

Meggy: Yeah, I finished my robotics course. Besides, this is  kinda my fault so it's the least I can do.

Tari smiled.

Tari: Thanks Meggy.

Meggy: Cool. So, if you could start by just leaning over-

Tari casually detached her arm from her body and handed it to Meggy as if it were a cup.

Meggy: I guess that works as well...


Meggy got to work on the arm as she and Tari engaged in small talk.

Meggy: I gotta say Tari, your arm is...really advanced!

Tari: Yeah, it's one of a kind.

Meggy: Y'know, I never asked...where'd you get an arm like this?

Tari: Oh...I...I was in an accident when I was 10. Car look my arm off."

Meggy looked at her shocked.

Meggy: You got hit by a car?

Tari: Yeah, woke up and my arm was gone. This company call TASCORP heard about it and decided to test their latest technology in limb replacement. They..want out of business the day after I got out of the hospital.

Meggy: Woah...

Tari: I was 12 when I made my first game jump. I was just playing a demo at a game store and ended up running from knights before I knew what was happening.

Meggy: Tari, I can't imagine what that was like.

Tari: Yeah, but the arm really is fine tuned. It works just like an actual arm, including touch sensation and...pain.

Meggy: Oh god, what about that time Melony cut off your hand?!

Tari: It's okay, she only knocked it off. As you can tell, it comes off easily.

Meggy smirked, then a beeping was heard as she put the last few wires back in place and closed the panel.

Meggy: There we go, all fixed!

Tari grinned, putting her arm back on and flexing few fingers to test it.

Tari: Wow, nice job Meggy! It's brand new...

Meggy kissed Tari on the cheek and snuggled her closer.

Meggy: What can I say? I'd do anything for my lovely blue cyborg...

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now