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Idea: meggy is stressed over her job as a coach that she barely gets any sleep, so Tari decides to give meggy a massage to help her relax as her body has gotten too tense for all the work. Meggy enjoys the massage a little too much that Tari decides to get more affectionate and kiss her neck to calm her down. Later on meggy talks about how her job has gotten more difficult and Tari tells her to not push herself too much and get some rest more often, to which meggy agrees with a kiss.


Tari was lying on the couch, playing one of her pong games on the Tv as she heard the door open and slam shut. She paused her game and looked as Meggy flopped onto the couch, sighing in exhaustion.

Tari: Good day at coaching?

Meggy: Shut up...

Tari brushed that aside as she lifted Meggy up, he uniform drenched in sweat.

Tari: Geez, are you okay Meggy?

Meggy: I...really don't wanna talk about it Tari, I'm stressed enough as it is.

Tari: Oh, your stressed? Well, you could've just said so.

Tari removed Meggy's jacket and put her hands on her shoulders, her body as stiff as a rock as Tari did some light rubbing on her shoulder-blades. Meggy smiled, but remained resistant.

Meggy: Tari, just leave me alone. I said I didn't wanna talk about it.

Tari: You don't have to...just relax.

Tari gave her some light back rubs before kissing the back of her neck repeatedly. Meggy's facade only lasted a second longer before her shoulders slumped and she relaxed.

Tari: There we go, just relax...

Meggy: Th...thanks honey...

Tari: Now You feel like telling me what's wrong?

Meggy: It's just...there's all this pressure on my to get the work done and trying to...inspire other but I stink at it.

Tari: Meggy...

Meggy: I'm honestly not sure of pushing myself is worth it, I haven't gotten any better since In started...

Tari: Meggy, your pushing yourself too much.

Tari turned Meggy so she was looking at her.

Tari: If you keep pushing yourself to this degree,  your gonna be in a wheelchair by the end of the year. I know you want to be the best at your job, but...maybe take a break?

Meggy: I can't take a break! Every time I do, it's like one step forward, two steps back-

Tari cupped her cheeks with a smile.

Meggy: Then just slow down a bit...okay?

Meggy looked at Tari, eyes teary.

Meggy: If I don't work towards something, what do I have in the future?

Tari: You have me...and...I've thought about it. Maybe we could revisit that idea about you and me...having kids?

Meggy had an almost bewildered face, but then she smiled with a small laugh.

Meggy: You always know just what to say...

Tari: So...you'll take a break?

Meggy: Yeah...I will.

They just smiled before they locked lips in a kiss.


I'm back to writing these guy, hoped you enjoyed it!

Also, I wanna give a quick not to one of my wattpad friends, GalvaCronos. I thought about your ideas for your rock band and WW2 suggestions but I just couldn't find a way to make them work. Sorry man, it's nothing personal, I just couldn't find inspiration.

Until next time everyone, keep the ideas coming and I'll see you all soon!

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now