A lawyer's guilt

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Idea drop Fluffty98426: Here's an idea Following the events of the lawsuit arc meggy has a nightmare reliving the events of the DMCA signing only it was worse as she watched tari and her daughter crystal die while lawyer Kong was laughing at her telling her not to grieve as she would be joining them soon. as Meggy breaks down crying screaming no! As she to falls into deaths embrace. she then wakes up screaming this waking up tari who asks her what's wrong Meggy then immediately hugs her sobbing as tari hugs her she asks what happened to which in-between sobs Meggy talks about how she had a nightmare how she watched crystal and tari die and how her fear of losing everything had taken over her. Tari hugs her tears streaming down her own eyes telling her she did the best she could. But this doesn't calm her down as Meggy hose on calling herself a failure all because she couldn't swallow her pride and how it had cost her not once but twice the first time being when she refused to use the ink board during splatfest and the second time when she chose to run back to stop the DMCA instead of taking the bike back. both times her pride had gotten the better of her she continued to sob with all hope looking lost until Meggy felt another pair of arms wrap around her opening her teary eyes she sees crystal who had overheard her mother's sobs tell her not to be sad to which Meggy says stuttering but I failed you to which crystal says that she didn't as in splatfest she got back up and then tells Meggy that she didn't fail as she managed to safe her, tari and the others in the end. Crystal then reminds Meggy of what axol said telling her that she got back up whenever she got knocked down. With help from tari and crystal Meggy finally calmed down as tari assured her she didn't fail them Meggy, tari and crystal settle to sleep as crystal tells Meggy that as long as they were together and had each other that's was all that mattered Meggy smiled hugging her daughter falling asleep.


Her eyes narrowed as she looked around her, looking as everyone she'd known and cared for in her life fell dead around her, eyes white and lifeless...

Meggy looked to the floor, looking down at the lifeless bodies of Tari and Crystal, their eyes stained with tears as were her own. Her hands moved to her belly, feeling no movement of any sort...

Then she looked up, eyes going vengeful as Lawyer Kong stared her down...

Lawyer Kong: Don't be over dramatic...you will see them soon...

Her body felt weak, unable to scream in rage or sadness as her knees caved in on her...

Then her eyes went blank as she fell into Darkness...


Meggy: NO!!!

She bolted awake with a scream, hands moving to her belly in a frantic manner. Their was still movement, thank god. Light quickly filled the room as Tari moved over and turned on the lamp.

Tari: Meggy, what's wrong?!

She turned back to look at Tari...and immediately caved. She turned and grabbed Tari in a tight hug, crying her heart out as Tari just held her back.

Tari: Shh, shhh. It's okay Meggy...I'm here...

Meggy: I...I was so scared...The DMCA, you and Crystal, Our babies, I thought...I thought-

Tari: Meggy...

Tari put her hand on her cheek.

Tari: Meggy, it's okay. We're still here, aren't we? None of what happened was your fault...

Meggy frowned, her memory recalling a different opinion.

Smg4: Meggy, don't you get it!? All of this is happening because you pissed off Lawyer Kong!

Meggy looked away, legs hanging off the bed.

Meggy: B-but it is...

Tari: Meggy-

Meggy: No, it's true! He tried to take Mario away, I...I just wanted to help! I didn't know he'd go so far! And...if I'd just been a bit faster, we all would've-


They turned their heads to Crystal peeking her head through the door in her pyjamas.

Crystal: Mommy? Is everything okay?

Meggy: Yeah, it's...it's okay Sunshine. Your Momma and I were just talking...

The tears in her face made the lie obvious. Crystal looked determined and claimed on the bed as she gave Meggy the biggest of all hugs.

Crystal: Mommy...I heard everything...

Meggy looked at her and cried, pulling her into a hug...

Meggy: I'm sorry...I am so, so sorry...what I put you through and...and what your Momma-

Tari: Meggy, it's okay.

Tari hugged her as well.

Crystal: Mommy, nothing that happened was your fault. It was all that mean monkey! You just wanted to help Uncle Mario, you never could've known what would happen...

Meggy sobbed...

Crystal: And remember what Auntie Desti said...always get back up...

That last one struck a nerve as Meggy smiled, kissing Crystal on the forehead and hugging her with Tari. Her hands moved to her belly, feeling the twins kicking.

Meggy: I...I don't understand how I got to deserve either of you...

They hugged again as they finally let go.

Tari: Okay, are we good? I don't think waking up this early is good for the babies Meggy.

Meggy: Yeah...yeah I'm good. Let's get some sleep.

Crystal: Okay, night Mommy. Night Momma.

Crystal went to leave as her moms went to get back under the covers, but Meggy felt slightly afraid.

Meggy: A-actually Sunshine...

She turned back.

Meggy: Could...you maybe stay? Just for the night?

Crystal and Tari smiled as the former hopped between them on the bed, Tari turning the lights off. Meggy cuddled in with Tari as Crystal held the former's bump in a sort of cuddle.

Meggy smiled. They were together now, with two more close to joining them...and that's all that mattered.

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu