A 2nd Mother's Love

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Idea from GalvaCronus: Is this idea workable? Crystal thinks Tari is ignoring her (when she's just taking in the effects of motherhood) and believes that calling her "Momma" is causing it, and tells Meggy about it. In her thoughts, something happens that nearly tears apart her Teddy Bear completely, causing her to break out crying, thankfully Meggy and Tari are able to get it back and anything missing. Upon getting back home, Crystal claims she disappointed Tari by ruining her first gift from her, and her moms look back on the Christmas Crystal got her bear, remembering that Tari bought it for her as a gift. That night while fixing the bear, Tari asks for some advice to help Crystal which Meggy gives her some, and then proceeds to give it to her... only to find her in the living room. Upon speaking to her, Crystal apologizes for calling her "Momma" when Tari wasn't her biological parent, admitting that she wanted a second parent like most people and she began to see Tari as one. Tari tells her that she never needs to apologize for that and assures her she can call her Momma until the end of time, while also admitting that though she doesn't understand how, Crystal is now her biological daughter, and all the info overjoys Crystal, who goes in for a hug. Tari then surprises her with her fixed up Teddy Bear which Crystal immediately takes and hugs, Tari then brings Crystal to her and Meggy's room for the night, tucks her in and they fall asleep... after Crystal says, "Goodnight Momma." (Takes place a week after the YouTube Arc, probably during Mario and Bob's ass scratching adventure.)

(It is workable! I've slightly altered the end part a bit but I think it turned out well!)

(Note: This is canonical to the Crystal Splezter Story, takes place a week following WOTFI 2020)


A lot had happened in the last couple weeks. Not many people could say they were erased from existence and come back more or less the same, but Smg4 and the rest could tell you otherwise.

But one thing did appear to be permanent following the ordeal, aside from becoming more friendly with the Anti-squad. Crystal's blood work while in the void Smg3 had stuck her in had altered her chemistry, temporarily making it so it's like she didn't exist.

But through the combination of Meggy and Tari's love for her to bring her back, her will reacted and her hair and one of her eyes now matched Tari's colours, as well as Meggy's.

But following the end of it all, after getting new English voices, Tari had started to become distant from her, which appeared to have a distinct effect on her. And eventually, it all culminated when something horrible happened...


When Tari came down stairs, she was playing a game of Tetris 99 on her Switch when smoke became evident from the kitchen. She ran in, panicked until she saw a flaming pan with Meggy standing nearby, incredibly guilty.

Meggy: It wasn't me, I swear!

Tari quickly grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer, spilling it over the counter and putting it out.

Tari: Good thing I sprung for that bag deal, Huh?

Meggy: Yeah...I think we need to think about letting you cook meals in the future.

The alarm in the kitchen was drawn away by the alarm in the living room, where a slam and sobbing could be heard.

Meggy: What the-!?

The two ran into the living room and the sight was something just purely sorrow. Crystal stood with shaking legs, eyes red and puffy from crying whilst she tightly held her backpack in her arms.

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