Love and Blood

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Idea from Tunova127: meggy gets bitten by a radioactive bat (possibly from egad) and she becomes a vampire hybrid. While they wait for egad to make a cure they have to deal with meggy's condition that seems to get worse each day, till one day meggy losses control of her body and attacks Tari and bites her neck sucking her blood and nearly killing her. Once meggy regains control she sees Tari with a horrified look on her face as she's scared of her which makes meggy sad. Meggy locks herself in her room hoping to not hurt anyone else as she's about to lose control again, Tari then enters the room and tries to calm meggy down before she attacks her again and this time getting more aggressive. As she's about to bite Tari again egad enters the house and injects meggy with the cure leaving her passed out for three days. As she wakes up she sees that Tari is happy to see her but she's still traumatized by the attack as she is hesitant to approach her. Meggy will forever remember that memory as the only trait that she has from her vampire form are her fangs. Eventually Tari forgives meggy as they kiss with tari getting poked by meggy's fangs to which they later laugh about.



Meggy looked into the cages at Egad's labs, looking at a bunch of animals like rats and spiders crawling around the walls. Tari looked in fear as she backed off and against the wall, Meggy rolling her eyes as she walked up to hug her.

Meggy: Tari, it's fine! They're in cages, they can't hurt you.

Tari: I-I know, they're just really scary up close. Why would Egad even have these things around?

Egad suddenly dropped from the ceiling in a lift, startling them both.

Egad: Glad you asked my dear! You see, I've been experimenting with animal genes and trying to isolate their DNA as possible cures for diseases like Cancer or if Waluigi goes T-crazy again.

Tari: And...your sure it's safe?

Egad: Of course! Just so I know, Steroids don't work on animals, right?


The glass suddenly shattered and bats started flying circles around all of them, everyone going into a panic as they tried to avoid them. 

Egad got a shock stick to fight them off as Tari crouched on the floor, pulling her hood over her head and playing dead.

Meggy swatted her hands wildly when she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She saw a bat latched onto her wrist with its teeth. She quickly punched it off, rubbing the bleeding wound.

Egad: Back! Back you freaks of nature!

Egad shocked the bats back into their cage, locking it tight with metal doors. Meggy brushed aside her wound and went to Tari.

Meggy: Tari, are you okay?

Tari: many bats...

Meggy: Cmon, I'm taking you home.

Meggy lifted Tari back up and lead her out the door, shaking her wrist as she hoped they could forget the entire day...

(Day 1)

Meggy woke up the next day, climbing out of bed and brushing her teeth like normal. She opened the blinds and went downstairs.

She went to open the fridge...


When the entire fridge door came off the hinges and she held it up with one hand. She looked with mild shock.

Meggy: I guess I'm stronger then I look, my workout equipment seems to be working.

She then looked at the door and quickly noted the door problem.

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now