The Best Medicine

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GalvaCronus: you think you could do a one shot where someone in the splezter family gets sick and they have to be looked after?


It was a normal morning in the Splezter household and things seemed to be okay. Meggy groggily opened her eyes as she stretched out to try and get started. Nearby her, she heard Tari wake up with a groan and rolled over, hugging her.

Meggy: Morning Babe...

Tari (Weakly): Morning Meggy...

Meggy instantly went on alert, looking at Tari closer who seemed to be dazed in a cold sweat.

Meggy: Tari, are you feeling alright?

Tari: I-I'm fine Meggy, I think I just ate something-

Tari suddenly went silent, looking a bit like she was about to-


Before Meggy could react, Tari leant over the side of the bed and threw up on the floor, Meggy's eyes going wide as she grabbed Tari from nearly falling out of bed.

Meggy: Okay, you're not fine, you're sick.

Tari pouted in weakness and embarrassment at what she just did. Meggy stroked the side of her face, using a cloth to Wipe her mouth.

Meggy: Hey, it's okay, it's not your fault.

Tari: I feel awful started as a headache and then it got so much worse...

Meggy: Well, I'm gonna make your feel better, okay?

Tari: Y-you shouldn't need too...

Meggy: But I want to...In sickness and health, remember?

Tari smiled lovingly at her wife, knowing just how much she cared.


The pair moved downstairs to the living room where Tari was now in the couch, a comically large blanket wrapped around her Like a burrioto.

Tari: (Cough, Cough)

Meggy waited for Tari to finish her coughing fit before checking her forehead for her temperature, pulling it back immediately.

Meggy: God, you're burning up, it's like touching a hot iron!

Tari: W-what? But all I feel is...cold...

Meggy: That isn't good, I'll get you some medicine, okay? If you need to throw up, use the bucket.

Meggy went into the kitchen to grab some medicine for Tari, who remained sitting on the couch, lacking most moral fibre and the strength to move most of her body. She sniffled her blocked nose and groaned in annoyance.

???: Momma?

Her head slowly looked up to see her family, who had now awoken. Crystal, Now 9 years old, was already dressed and looking at her with worry while Alice and Emily, the 4 year old Twins, were still climbing down the stairs in their Xbox and PlayStation Onesies rubbing their tired eyes.

Crystal: Momma, you don't look too good...

Tari coughed to emphasise her point.

Tari: N-No sweetie, Momma isn't feeling well. I think I caught something bad...

Crystal reached the end of the stairs, helping Alice and Emily with the final step.

Alice: Momma Sick?

Crystal: Yeah Sis, Momma isn't feeling too well.

Emily: Make better with Hug?

Crystal: Oh, I wish we could sis but I don't think Momma should be touched right now. The last thing anyone wants is one of you getting sick as well.

Emily: No Care! Momma need hug!

Crystal had to physically hold Emily to stop her from moving forward to hug Tari. It's then that Meggy returned from the kitchen with medicine and looked in shock.

Meggy: Girls, what are you doing up at this hour?

Alice: Momma Sick...

Crystal: They heard her coughing downstairs and came to get me because they were scared to go down the stairs by themselves.

Meggy looked guilted as she knelt down to their level, letting them hug her instead.

Emily: Will Momma be okay?

Meggy: She'll get better my little spark, it's just gonna take some time, okay?

Alice: But how Long?

Meggy: I wish I could tell you. For now, why don't we just focus on getting you 3 some breakfast?

Crystal: Can I...Stay with Momma?

Meggy: Oh...Alright, but take some of these first.

Meggy handed Crystal a few pills and a glass of water.

Meggy: Just so you don't get sick as well...

Crystal nodded. She then went to go sit next to Tari while Meggy made the twins their breakfast, making something simple for Crystal as well.

Meggy also put similar medication in the twins cereal so they would think it was candy and they'd eat it. That way, she was sure they'd be safe as well.


Later that afternoon, Tari remained slumped on the couch after being cared for all day. She felt a little better, but still felt awful.

It was then she was surprised when Crystal snuggled into her side with a hug as Meggy did the same on her other side, Alice and Emily climbing up to give their Momma the biggest hugs.

Tari: M-Meggy! Aren't they gonna get sick?!

Meggy: It's okay Babe, I gave them some vitamins and...we both know I don't care if I get sick. Besides, Nothing could ruin Family Movie night, right?

Tari smiled, then looked down at their daughters hugging her.

Emily: Does Momma feel better now?

Tari smiled affectionately, her blanket wrapped arms enveloping all 3 of her daughters.

Tari: Yes Sweetie...Momma feels a lot better now...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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