Ways to be loving with Tari

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Idea from Tunova127: tari tries out new ways to give loving affection to meggy. such as back massages, neck kissing, and an attempt to french kiss which lead to her embarrassing herself. Later they laugh about these things and it ends with them just cuddling on the bed.


Tari noted how Meggy had been trying really hard in their relationship, getting dates and paying the bills around the house. She felt guilty, like she wasn't being as affectionate

So in order to reciprocate, she made a notepad list of stuff she'd try to do for Meggy as well.

(Number 1: Back massages)

Her first try came one day when Meggy got back from Collage, throwing her jacket over the couch. She slumped back against the headboard as Tari walked in.

Tari: Hey, rough day?

Meggy: Yeah, had to show the others how to use the equipment in PE. Ugh, my back is killing me.


Tari: Y'know, I could try give you a back massage?

Meggy: Really? Well, suit yourself...

Meggy leant in As Tari moved her hands along Meggy's back.

Tari: I should probably warn you, this is the first time I've done this.

Meggy: It's okay, just be-

Meggy: GENTLE!

Tari: Oh god, are you okay!?

Meggy (High pitch): Yeah...my shoulder's totally not dislocated...

(Number 2: Neck kissing)

The next day, Meggy was sitting at a desk and going through a book on studying for her next exam when Tari saw her slumped and half asleep.

She grinned, looking at her notepad of romantic stuff and the next option.

She moved to Meggy and behind, kneeling down behind her and putting her arms around her.

Tari: Hey sweetie-

Meggy: AHH!

Tari stumbled back with a yell after being elbowed in the face, hands on her face as Meggy sprung up in fright.

Meggy: Tari! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, I-!

Tari: It's okay, I...don't think you hit me that hard.

Tari moved her hands from her face, noting they were now covered in blood. As was everywhere around her face.

Tari: Okay, I take it back: This is bad!

Meggy: H-hang on, I'll get a towel!

Meggy ran off as Tari held her bleeding nose, mentally crossing that option off the list.

(Number 3: French kissing) 

Tari sighed as she looked at the last option, holding a rag over her nose. It was the one she hoped she wouldn't want to resort too, but it was the last idea she had left.

When Meggy walked into the room, she quickly put the notepad in her back pocket.

Meggy: Hey, Sorry about your nose...again...

Tari: It's okay, it's just a scratch.

Moving the rag revealed her nose had turned purple. Meggy could hide a grimace.

Tari: It looks bad, doesn't it?

Meggy: N-no, why would you say that!?

Tari: Meggy, it's not your fault. Come here.

Meggy sat next to Tari on the bed.

Tari: No hard feelings, okay? Let me show you.

Tari leaned in for a kiss which Meggy of course agreed with. Though when Tari started getting a bit more intimate with her tongue, she leaned back in surprise.

Tari: What's wrong?

Meggy: Nothing! Just...never expected you to do something like that.

Tari: Was it okay?

Meggy: Well...I kinda liked it.

Tari: If you want, I could try it again...

Meggy: That...does sound nice.

Tari: Sure thing. Oh, hang on! I forgot to brush me teeth, I'll be right back.

Tari stood and walked to the bathroom, unknowingly dropping a notepad from her back pocket. Meggy looked at it curiously before picking it up, eyes dilating when she saw the first page.

Tari came  back to see Meggy reading the notepad, freezing immediately.

Meggy: So is that why you've been doing all these things lately?

Tari: M-Meggy, I can't explain-!

Meggy just silenced Tari by putting her arms around her.

Meggy: It's okay...I appreciate it.

Tari smiled as she returned the hug. Suddenly, Meggy pulled her back against the bed as they landed on the covers, looking with lust in her eyes.

Meggy: So...why don't you try that thing with the tongue again?

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