Romance halfway across the galaxy

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As an example of what these other universal parodies look like, here's a Meggy x Tari take in the universe of...


Just so you don't get confused, here's an analysis of what these variants are like. 

Meggy: An energetic human girl born in the 5th year of the galactic Empire's reign, she joined the rebellion after her parents died and survived all the way past the battle of endor.

Tari: A cybernetic/cloning  failed creation by the remaining separatists, She was found by the rebellion and brought in to help develop technology with her advanced cybernetics.

Note: Personalities remain the same.

Story: Tari and Meggy met by chance after the battle of Yavin 4. Now girlfriends, they take a moment to reflect on everything after the battle of Jakku when the Empire falls at last.

(Time period: A little over a year after Return of the Jedi)


(Deep space - Aboard the Home one, Admiral Ackbar's main ship)


The stars always seemed curious to her.

Looking out at the vast number of stars in the universe, she wondered if all of them were suns, all orbiting planets of wonderful creatures.

Tari stared through the window, her robotic hands  fingers curled.

She heard the door slid open, alerting her to Meggy as she walked through the door.

Meggy: Hey, thought I'd find you here.

Tari: Hey...

Meggy came and stood next to her, grinning.

Meggy: Y'know, you don't need to be alone here. General Solo said he knows a guy that can get this entire ship filled with Corelian Ale.

Tari: Meggy, you know I don't drink.

Meggy: I know, just thought it was worth a shot.

Tari looked at her hands, twitching them

Meggy: Your doing it again.

Tari shy'd away in a fright. Meggy turned somber.

Meggy: Cmon, we won. It's been days since the Empire surrendered, we deserve the right to celebrate. So why aren't you?

Tari sighed, looking into the stars again.

Tari: Well...when I joined the rebellion, they found me in the scraps with a bunch of broken B-2 battle droids. I joined because I wanted to do something good in the galaxy and help stop the empire. But now that that's done, what...what do I do? Will they just toss me aside as well?

Meggy: Tari, you can't possibly think that. The reason the rebellion came together was because the empire treated everyone like dirt. It's the reason I joined...

Meggy leaned and kissed Tari on the cheek.

Meggy: I was so scared when I did, even though I was too young to be sent out to fight at the time. But then I saw you, hiding in a Med-bay. The moment I saw you, I felt something.

Tari turned to her.

Tari: What's your point Meggy?

Meggy: My point is that in this galaxy, there's more to fighting then just defeating the enemy. It's about fighting for what you believe in...and I believed in love with you.

Tari: Wow...that's really sweet.

Meggy: Yeah. You know what got me  through hoth? The memory of our first kiss under the ice. The battle of Endor? Us talking about having a life together. And Jakku?

Meggy curled her fingers into Tari's organic hand.

Meggy: Well...I just wanted to come back to you. For a while, I feared I wouldn't when I almost got shot down midair. But I made it back...and the fact I've got you here and now...that's what made everything worth fighting for me...

Tari smiled.

Tari: always know just what to say.

The two chuckled.

Meggy: Yeah. After everything, after all the fighting, all you need to do is ask and I'll walk away from it all for a quiet life with you.

Tari: Well...not exactly quiet.

Meggy looked curiously.

Meggy: What does that mean?

Tari: Well...I did some digging into how they used cloning to make me and...I figured out a method for splicing together DNA from two different people.

Meggy looked shocked, finally putting the puzzle together.

Meggy: Tari...are you saying you want us to have a family?

Tari smiled, her cheeks flushing red.

Tari: Yeah...I guess i am.

Meggy had tears in her eyes, nearly crushing Tari in a hug as they kissed.

(1 year later)

The force was said to work in Mysterious ways, at least that was something Meggy heard from Luke once.

Maybe it was stage reason she met Tari? Fell in love? Got married?

Or maybe it was the reason the learned they could have a child? Why Meggy decided to carry their baby herself? Why they named her Crystal?

But the force also had a plan for everything and everyone, how everyone's story was meant to end. Meggy seems to have a perfect ending, living in a high rise home on Corasuant. She looked over the edge of the buildings, looking back at her family.

Seeing Crystal lifting toys with her mind alone, Tari playing games with her...

It was hard to believe that all o& this came from her and Tari's special romance. A romance from halfway across the galaxy...


And that's it! Just a brief example of what I mean, hope you get the idea!

Keep submitting, tell your friends and I'll see you around!

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