Terrors of the past

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The following idea is a combined effort of work by GalvaCronus and Fluffy98461 based on Halloween, which is tomorrow at the time of writing this. Thanks to you guys and I hope you all enjoy! 



Halloween was filled with its usual scary joy, filling people with both joy and fear.

One this particular night, After everyone in the neighbourhood had gone to sleep after a full day of trick or treating, creaking could be heard inside the Splezter household.

Walking downstairs in her pyjamas, Crystal tip toed down the steps and climbed over the stair gate until she reached the fridge. She reached and got some milk as she went to climb the stair counter to get a glass.

Tari: Crystal?

Crystal: Eek!

She jumped back startled as a lamp flicked on in the corner, revealing Tari sitting on the end of the couch with a mug.

Crystal: Sorry Momma, I just...wanted a glass of milk...

Tari: It's okay Sweetie. Here, let me...

She got up and got Crystal a glass out of the cupboard, sitting her on the sofa.

Tari: You wanna talk?

Crystal: Uh...I dunno...

Tari: It's okay, take your time...

Tari stroked Crystal's hair when steps were heard nearby, signalling Meggy walking down the stairs.

Meggy: Okay, I fed the twins-Crystal, are you awake?

Crystal: Uh...yeah...

Meggy: What are you doing up at...(Checks watch)...4:30 in the morning?

Crystal: I could ask you two the same...

Meggy looked at Crystal with a sigh, sitting in her opposite side.

Meggy: You want us to go first?

Crystal nodded.

Meggy: I...dreamt about the island. Y'know, with Francis? I was trapped and then...that damn lawyer. He had the DMCA and...I saw you all-

Crystal: Die?

Meggy sniffled, nodding. She looked at Tari as she went on.

Tari: Crystal, do you remember the uh...T-pose incident?

Crystal: Kinda...I vaguely remember it but Uncle Mario told me the rest...

Tari: Well, I dreamt that...I was surrounded by them. And Bob was their and...he just made things even worse. The things he said...

Meggy put a comforting hand in her wife's shoulder.

They looked at Crystal as she looked down sadly, thinking back...

Crystal: I...I saw Zero...he killed Aunt Melony and...then he killed you. He came for me, then he killed everyone else...I...I was so scared...

Tears dropped to the floor as Crystal's hands sparked, the glass in her hands shattering as she curled up on herself. Meggy and Tari were in shock, Crystal had been scared before but this was on a whole other level.

Meggy: Oh, my precious Baby...

Meggy and Tari both wrapped their arms around their daughter, here tears spilling like a waterfall as the entire weight of the world fell on her shoulders. She'd been through more trauma then any child her age should reasonably go through and it had almost destroyed her soul.

Meggy and Tari felt some of the guilt as well. They were her Moms, they were meant to protect her from this kind of stuff. But they'd failed, their own tears joining their daughters.

Meggy: We're so sorry Sunshine...

Tari: But it's okay now, right? All the bad people are gone...you don't have to be afraid anymore...

They both just hugged her as she ran out of tears to cry...

Meggy and Tari: We love you Crystal...

Crystal buried her face into their chests, sighing as a small smile came across her face...

And then, the family drifted into an uneasy sleep...

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now