Blue and Orange Splatter

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Idea from GachaLifeGalaxy5: Okay. How about this. Meggy met a Blue Octoling name Tari who she finds all alone outside at the bench at nighttime & notice that Tari was 1 month pregnant to after help. And after getting to know her & find out that Tari gotten pregnant by a stranger from being trick to offer drink which cause her to have his child & Meggy felt very sorry for Tari & offer her to stay with her to help her through it while helping in anyway she can. And along the way they grew closer to each other which leads to Meggy having feeling for Tari & wanted to tell her how she feel after Splatfest. But which lead to a choice of Meggy having to choose between Splatfest to the final or Tari on her time to give birth. Will Meggy choose her dream to become champion or helping Tari give birth to her child & confess her love?


Meggy hummed to herself, the squid sisters latest album playing on her headphones as she made her way home from a long day of training.

Since she was in such a good mood, she took a stroll by the lagoon to take in the scenery.

But as she walked towards a nearby bench, she saw the most curious sight. A blue inkling was curled up on the seat, crying softly. Meggy's heart throbbed, knowing she couldn't just leave the poor thing without trying to help her. She took a seat.

Meggy: Hey, are you alright?

???: G-go away!

Meggy: It's okay, I just wanna help you.

The inkling looked up, big blue eyes meeting her own pink.

Meggy: My name's Meggy. Do you have a name?

The girl shy'd away...

Tari: Yeah, it's...Tari...

Meggy: Okay...Tari, why are you sitting out here crying?

Tari sobbed, rubbing her stomach.

Tari: I didn't want to...he...he said he'd pay my rent...

Meggy almost immediately caught on.

Meggy: You're...pregnant. Aren't you?

Tari cried again, making Meggy hug her on instinct.

Tari: I don't know what else to do...I don't know where to go... 

Meggy thought and thought, but her mind eventually had only one conclusion. She stood up and offered a hand.

Meggy: Y'know...if you need some place to go, I have a spare room. I could help you until you get a place of your own?

Tari was speechless.

Tari:'d do that for me?

Meggy: Would you prefer to sit here crying?

Tari blinked unamused, but took Meggy's hand as she stood up. Meggy was immediately almost crushed in Tari's bone crunching hug.

Tari: Thank you...

Meggy (Choking): Your welcome...


Tari came back home with her and sort of became her roommate, even though what she thought would be a bed was just Meggy's couch.

She was also good to have around in the kitchen. Since Meggy had been a terrible cook since she was a little girl, it helped to have something other then instant noodles now and then. Tari always used the idea that she did it out of thankfulness, a way of repaying Meggy for taking her in off the streets.

Their lives seemed indifferent from any other roommates until Tari's belly started showing in her 5th month. After that, she got tired a lot quicker. Meggy tried to pick up slack in the kitchen, always ended in flames.

Meggy x Tari One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now