It's fine having 2 Moms

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GalacticEmpire asked: Can we get a story about Tari being unsure of her parenting skills to Crystal and Meggy comforting her?


(Set in Crystal Splezter Timeline, Crystal's 3rd birthday before the events of the YouTube arc + Void transformation)


It was Crystal's third birthday and everyone she'd known had come around for fun, games and in Mario's partial case, Cake. Since Her last birthday had been spent in  hospital adjusting to being newly human, It was only fair they went all out at the castle for this one.

For Tari though, this was a special birthday since it was the first one where she was dating Meggy, AKA, Mom of the birthday girl.

During the party as everyone celebrated, Tari watched from the side with prying eyes. She smiled watching Crystal outrun Mario in a race which easily made him tired.

Meggy: Hey, you okay over here Tari?

Meggy walked over and checked on her.

Tari: Yeah Meggy...I'm just watching Crystal.

Meggy: That's all you've really done since this morning, is something wrong?

Tari sighed, turning to Meggy.

Tari: I guess I just don't want to get in her way while she's having fun...

Meggy looked taken aback as she held Tari's hand in her own.

Meggy: Tari, what brought this up? How could you possibly think you're in the way?

Tari: Because...I'm not really parent material. I'm definitely not her dad and your the only mom she can imagine having. She doesn't even look like me. Plus, you and I have only been dating less then a year and-

Meggy grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

Meggy: Tari, you stop saying that stuff now! Listen to me because you need to hear this, you are just as important to Crystal as me or anyone else here. She looks up to those around her and takes on the best in them, which means she'll no doubt learn from you. Tari, your kind and nurturing. Those are qualities I hope she'll have and get from you.

Meggy kissed Tari as they both hugged.

Tari: Never forgot how much you mean to this family Tari, not just to me...but to her as well...

Tari hugged back and smiled. Then they heard a noise as the hug broke apart, with Crystal running over crying.

Meggy: Sunshine, what's wrong?

Crystal: (Sniffle) M-My Toy broke...

She had her new Toy squish hammer, with the hammer part having broken off. Tari saw an opportunity.

Tari: D-don't worry I've got this!

She knelt down and twisted the hammer back onto its hinge, while also putting it on tighter so it didn't come off again.

Tari: There, good as new!

Crystal took it back and hugged Tari.

Crystal: Thanks Momma!

She ran as Gasped, getting back to her feet as she began to  do tears of joy.

Tari: S-she called me Momma...

Meggy: See? I knew you had it in you...

Tari smiled as her heart warmed, holding Meggy's hand as they went back to join the party.

In Tari's mind, Meggy was right. Besides...there was nothing wrong with having 2 Moms.

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