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Bakugou was out with 1-B and the majority of 1-A.

'Damn nerd.' He thought. 'Why would scars make anyone less than?'

A feeling deep in his stomach continued to linger. He was uneasy. 'There's something wrong with this illness.'

Denki and Kirishima came up to Bakugou. "What's up, dude? You look more constipated than usual!" Kaminari joked. "Whatever. I'm just upset no-one out here is strong enough to spar with me." Bakugou deflected.

Kirishima came up and slung his arm around Bakugou's shoulder. "C'mon, we know you're secretly in love with Uraraka. You're probably just worried she's gotten sick." Denki continued to joke. "What? No! I respect that she could even hold a candle to me in battle. I don't give a damn about her past that." Bakugou flushed with both confusion at how he had come to this conclusion and embarrassment that anyone was poking around in his personal life.

Kirishima chuckled. "No way! Bakugou cares way too much about becoming a hero to even think about that." "Exactly." Bakugou agreed.

"But more importantly, what's it with you and purple hair?" Kirishima teased Kaminari. Denki chased him back out onto the field.

Todoroki continued to zone out. He swallowed thickly, trying to avoid having the rising bile come up again.

'I've really been such a burden these past couple of days. Now that I can function, I should avoid relying on them.' He thought.

Aizawa continued to talk to Deku and Uraraka. Occasionally they would interject or laugh. It was a pleasant conversation. There hadn't been many of those since Bakugou first got sick. Aizawa even smiled a few times.

Todoroki felt warm. Any feeling of temperature was bad news because he knew his quirk would try and correct it. He was right.

Shoto began to feel frost slowly skate up his fingers. He put his hand behind his back.

Uraraka noticed to sharp movement and turned to peer at the ill teen. "You okay, Todoroki?" She asked, a little confused by the jarring movement out of the corner of her eye.

Todoroki nodded. "Just a little tired." He responded, trying to blow off the question.

"Of course, I should have expected that." She put her hand behind her head, tilting it, and closed her eyes in embarrassment as she said this.

"Alright, I'll stay in here with you. Uraraka, Midoriya, you are dismissed." Aizawa declared. "But we just got here-." Deku tried to retort. "School's almost out, go get notes from your classmates about the work you missed." Aizawa ordered. "Yes, sir." Uraraka and Deku said in unison, bowing as they left.

"Feel better, Todoroki." Uraraka whispered as she left.

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