Chapter 1: Willow Evans

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Willow found herself tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for the sweet sound of the bell to release her from the last class on a Friday.

Finally, it rang and Willow wasted no time, launching up from her seat, snatching up the old, leather-bound book on her desk, and racing out of the building.

With a small grin, Willow moved out of the crowd of musty teenagers and started walking alongside the building, her eyes set further down the road.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from an alleyway and grabbed her shoulder sleeve. Willow yelped as she was yanked into the alley, her shoulder hitting the ground roughly as she attempted to save her fragile book from the fall.

Willow scowled and stood up angrily, her eyes coming to rest on a smirking quarterback.

"Hey, Willow. Nice of you to drop in." Matthew grinned.

Willow glared. "You're wasting my time."

She turned around, attempting to walk away, but two other bulky football players stepped into her way, blocking the girl's view of the street. Willow's mouth turned down in displeasure before she faced Matthew again.

"I read that newspaper section you wrote on the football team." Matthew stated. "Needless to say, I'm not a big fan."

Willow raised an eyebrow, clutching her book against her chest. "And that's my problem, why?"

Matthew stepped up, towering over her intimidatingly.

"You made us look bad." Matthew said lowly. "So fix it."

"If you don't want to look bad, then don't smoke in the parking lot with a half-naked woman." Willow instructed. "It's very simple. The newspaper can only tell the truth."

"You better make an exception before things get messy." Matthew threatened. "I have a scout coming next week and I will not allow some stupid brat like you to mess up our chances."

Willow scoffed. "If you want to be ideal for college football, then be ideal for college football. There's nothing I can do but pity you."

Matthew sneered. "You don't want to anger me anymore than you already have."

Willow snorted softly in amusement. "What are you going to do, beat me? Rest assured, that most certainly will get you off the scout's radar and into jail. So that leaves you with either letting me go or killing me, and trust me, Matthew Collins, you're not smart enough to get rid of my dead body."

The quarterback's fists shook angrily and Willow smirked. "Right. I'm untouchable."

She turned around and took a step toward the other two guys and the exit, but Matthew's hand suddenly shot out and grabbed her jacket.

Willow squeaked, being yanked backward and before she could react, his fist was buried in her abdomen. Willow cried out and Matthew swung his fist again, catching the side of her face.

Willow was knocked to the ground and her book slid from her hands. After a moment of shock and pain, Willow scrambled to reach out and grab it.

"Nobody is untouchable." Matthew spat. "Nobody will ever know I got you, bitch. You'll be serving me before the day is over. There's nothing a good beating can't teach."

Willow tightened her hold on her book and Matthew reached down and grabbed her hair, pulling Willow's head up to look at him.

She snarled, "On that note, I agree."

Willow swung the book out, smacking the quarterback's temple with a loud thud.

His grip tightened and he fell over.

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