Chapter 14: Our Enemies

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"Are you sure you don't want to go see Murakami with us?" Leo asked, frowning.

Willow waved him off. "I'm sure. Besides, I'm going to hang out with April tonight."

"Oh, right." Leo huffed. "Should I be jealous?"

"Nope." Willow smiled. "I'll see you later, okay? Mikey won't wait on you forever."

Leo glanced at the doorway before sighing and nodding.

"Okay. Love you."

Willow watched him leave the room before turning around. Her eyes darted around the room before she opened his drawer. Inside, sat multiple of Leo's more commonly used gadgets and comic books.

But Willow only had eyes for one.

She grabbed the knife and quickly stuffed it into her pocket. This time, she'd be prepared.

Suddenly, the t-phone Donnie had made her began to ring and Willow picked it up.

"Willow, we'll be over the cover in five minutes. You ready?" April asked.

Willow forced herself to sound calm and cheerful despite the growing anxiety within her.

"Yup." Willow replied. "See you soon."

She hung up and turned to the paper door leading out of Leo's room.

This was her last hope at knowing what happened. It was her only lead.

There was no room for failure.

Willow hobbled forward, leaving her book on Leo's nightstand, despite the urge to bring it with her. She didn't want to risk losing it. Not again.

As she walked through the tunnels toward the manhole cover, Willow thought over her decision. She was absolutely certain that she wanted to do this. Investigate Erma and see if the girl was connected to her disappearance.

But another thought tugged at her conscience.

Should she have told Leo?

Willow grabbed the ladder and climbed up to the surface. She shook her head and sighed. Of course she couldn't.

Leo was too protective. He wouldn't want her trying to get involved and April would never approve because Erma was her friend. Over the last week, Willow had grown attached to her new friends and unlike before, hurting them was out of the question.

They were all she had left. Willow was tired of losing people she cared about.

She leaned against the corner of the building and waited until April, Casey, and Erma came walking up to the theater. Willow smiled and swung herself forward.


April grinned. "Erma, I think it's time you officially met Willow in a good way."

Willow stuck out her hand, but Erma bypassed it completely and hugged her. Willow almost punched Erma.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Erma smiled. "I know you got hurt. Everyone at school is so worried."

Willow rolled her eyes. "They didn't care much before."

Erma didn't know what to say, so Casey butted in.

"So are you guys excited for our movie marathon?" Casey asked, leading them inside.

"Oh yeah!" April pumped her fist. "All my human friends are here and I am ready to roll!"

"Your human friends?" Erma asked humorously.

April's eyes widened. "Yeah... Even though all my friends are human..."

"I just thought it was funny. What if your secret friends weren't human?" Erma mused.

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