Chapter 17: A Small Reminder

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The door swung open, revealing Leo and Willow as they stumbled into April's apartment.

"Leo, what hap-" Raph noticed the cloaked man and pulled out his sais. "Behind you!"

Raph jumped forward to attack, but Leo held out his hand. "Wait. He saves us from Tigerclaw."

"He's working with the Shredder!" April exclaimed. "And you brought him to my house!?"

"He just attacked the Shredder." Leo argued. "I think we can trust him."

"You trust too easily." Karai reminded him, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at the man.

Raph glared and stuck his sai in the man's shadow-covered face. "Who are you?"

The man reached into his pocket, making everyone tense. He held up his other gloved hand to calm them and pulled out a pair of keys. They were held out to Leo, who grabbed them slowly and with a look of confusion.

"You need to the leave the city." He ordered. "My men can only buy you so much time before the Kraang or Footclan find you."

"Why are you helping us?" Casey asked. "You're a bad guy."

The mystery man looked at Willow and took a step toward her. Leo moved forward and got between them, his eyes hard and a hand on the handle of his sword. A warning flashed between them.

The cloaked man ignored Leo and looked at Willow. He knelt, and muttered something under his breath before standing again and staring at her.

"Not everything is as it seems."

Then he turned around and left.

"Do you know that guy?" Raph asked.

"Don't you think I'd have mentioned it the first time?" Willow glared.

Leo went over to the window and looked out, spotting an armored van parked on the curb. He glanced at the keys in his hand and noticed that the symbols matched.

He turned around. "None of that matters right now, we need to leave."

"What about Splinter? He hasn't came back yet." April pointed out.

Leo frowned deeply. "He said he had a plan. Raph and I will go check the lair for him, but if he isn't there, we're leaving for April's farmhouse."

"Leave him behind?" Mikey asked, eyes wide.

"Splinter can take care of himself. We have to go before things get worse." Leo told them.

"He better be there." Raph growled, jabbing Leo's chest roughly with his finger as he headed for the door. Leo followed quickly behind him.

"Wait." Willow looked at them in concern. "We shouldn't split up again, we were ambushed last time."

"Don't worry, Fluffy." Raph smirked. "We're ninjas."

They shut the door behind them and Willow scowled before turning toward the others. She looked around and frowned as she realized they had less company than expected.

"Where is your family, Casey?"

"They weren't home." He looked down. "I stopped talking to dad a few years ago, so I don't know how to contact them."

"How old is your sister?"

He sighed. "11, but she's smart, I'm sure she and Dad are hiding somewhere."

"11." Willow repeated. "Grade 6? East NY Elementary?"


Willow grinned and looked at April. "You got a computer?"

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