Chapter 5: The Footclan

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There was a few knocks. "Willow?"

Willow opened her eyes and yawned. "Mm?"

The door swung slowly and Tiffany stuck her head inside. "You slept in two extra hours. Is everything okay?"

Willow let go of her pillow and sat up, looking around the room for a moment and nodding.

"Okay then, let me know if you need anything." Tiffany smiled and backed out.

Willow yawned again and stretched, before standing up and getting ready, her mind drifting to the night before.

She'd been with Leo.

Willow's face turned pink with embarrassment. He'd seen her at her weakest... and didn't do anything but help.

A small smile formed at the edges of her mouth. Leo really was a great person. Well, turtle mutant, but still. Willow had never met any real human who was so kind and caring. Selfless.

Willow left her room and headed for the front door, knowing that if she woke up so late, Tiffany and Mark were probably filling out paperwork in their room. Or in the office.

She quickly wrote on a sticky note and stuck it to the fridge, not wanting to bother them while they were working.

Going to hang out with friends. Don't talk about me behind my back, I know everything.

Willow headed outside and took a taxi back to the school. She was mostly sure she'd memorized the way to the lair.

If wasn't as if anything bad could happen if she got lost. Willow would probably just end up as some random body they find in twenty years and only has traction in the news for a week before they cremate her and toss her in the ocean.

On second thought, Willow pulled out her phone and texted Donnie, who had put his number in her phone after he wiped it.

Or at least, Willow hoped it was Donnie's number.

What are the directions to

Willow paused. If he was sleeping right now and her text woke him up, Leo would never forgive her.

She glanced at the manhole cover before sighing. She looked around for a moment to ensure that no one was watching before climbing down into the dank tunnel.

Willow eyes darted around as she made her way toward the lair. This was the first time she'd been down here by herself.

Willow had never been the kind of person to fear the dark, or much of anything for that matter, so she forged ahead, only pausing at turns to make sure that she was going the right way.

Soon enough, Willow could see light up ahead and the smell of sewage lessened slightly. She stepped inside the lair and looked around.


They must all be asleep. It made sense, considering they stayed up at night for patrol. Willow's ears got a little warmer at the reminder of how she completely lost her mind on Leo.


Willow yelped, whirling around and pointing her book at Splinter in surprise. Then she smiled and lowered it.

"Hey. You scared me."

Splinter returned the smile and pulled a giant triangle-shaped piece of cheese from the freezer. "I can see that."

Willow walked into the kitchen and sat down. "If you don't mind, I have a few questions."

Splinter looked over. "Go ahead."

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