Chapter 6: Icarus's Wings

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Willow stepped into the lair, a smug smirk on her face as she headed for Donnie's lab, where the sound of distant and serious voices could be heard.

"Tigerclaw caught us almost immediately." April scowled. "I don't think we got much information at all."

"Anything helps." Donnie assured her. "At least now we know for certain that Shredder is working with the other guy."

"But why?" Leo frowned.

Willow pushed through the door and tossed a hard-drive at Donnie. "They're working together to help the Kraang with an invasion. Shredder and Cloak Dude plan to betray them and take the city for themselves."

Everyone blinked in shock.

"Wait, that noise at the docks when we got away, that was you?" Casey asked.

Willow leaned against a table. "Cost me my phone, but yes."

"Then how did you get this?" Donnie asked, referring to the hard-drive he was trying to access.

"Do you know how often I get jumped?" Willow questioned. "A lot. I've set up my phone to send all information to my computer at home immediately."

Donnie pressed play on the video and everyone gathered around the screen for a moment, watching the meeting before it ended. Leo took a step back and looked at Willow.

She expected him to apologize; Geez, Willow. We underestimated you. Sorry for the mishap! We'll let you help next time.

Instead, she got scolded.

"What were you thinking?" Leo demanded. "That was incredibly dangerous, you could have been caught, and-"

"And I got you important information, didn't I?" Willow crossed her arms.

Leo scowled. "Yes, but that's beside the point."

"You needed information. I got it." Willow glared. "So what's the problem?"

"We told you not to go." Leo explained.

"Well you've only known me for a few days, but clearly, you missed an important part of who I am." Willow told him. "I don't just give up. Especially when I'm told I can't."

Leo glared. "You're going to get yourself killed."

Willow shrugged. "Well, at least I won't die knowing I did nothing useful in my life."

Raph stood up straight, cutting Leo off before the blue leader could even let out another word. "Alright then, Fluffy. Welcome to the turtle team."

Willow grinned.

Then she paused. "Wait. Fluffy?"


Leo walked Willow back to her apartment in silence for a long time. Neither of them spoke until Willow had crawled back through her window.

"Willow?" Leo asked slowly.

She turned around to face him.

"You did good today." He told her. "Sorry I gave you a hard time, it's just... I get frustrated when people put themselves in danger."

Willow smiled. "Just don't do it again and we'll be fine."

Leo nodded and looked down. "It's kind of like our worst nightmares are coming to life. Shredder and the kraang working together, even if it is temporary."

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