Chapter 19: All About You

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Willow wasted no time in running away from the stares of the others. She felt like her entire world was falling apart around her, but that was no scene for anyone else.

"Willow, wait." April tried to follow after her.

Her cane hit the edge of the stairs and Willow cried out, her paralyzed leg doing nothing to support her weight. Leo grabbed her under her arm and flashed a look to the crowd behind them.

"Go back to bed." He ordered.

"We should know what's going on." Donnie said. "We-"

Leo's glare immediately shut the purple turtle down and Donnie nodded submissively. Willow sniffed and turned away from them, allowing Leo to help her up the stairs.

When they reached the room from before, Leo locked the door and set her crutch against it.

"Willow, I'm so sorry." He apologized, walking over and wrapping his arms around her.

"Don't be." She closed her eyes. "Tonight was supposed to be about you."

"We can't all be as interesting as you." Leo smiled softly.

Willow let out a shaky breath. "Can I punch something?"

Leo pulled back and held her at arms length. She looked back at him, hurt etched into her features.

"You never struck me as the type."

She looked down at her hands, which shook lightly.

"Me either."

Leo sighed and nodded, looking around the room before pulling a pillow off the couch. He held it out to her and Willow balled up her fists.

There was a moment of silence as she stared at it, expecting herself to lunge out again like she did on her mother, but no such irrational emotions took over her again.

With a huff, Willow walked over and took it away from Leo. She smacked him with it lightly and he grinned.

"Oh, so you can't hit a pillow, but you can hit me?" He asked playfully.

Willow smiled and tried hit him again, but Leo caught the pillow and yanked it from her hands, causing Willow to stumble forward. She landed on his shell and Leo wrapped his arm around her, holding Willow in place as he suffocated her in the pillow.

"Lmphmm!" Her yell was muffled and Leo began to laugh.

"This is the punishment for not letting me have my 'Leo Night'." He told her.

Leo lifted the pillow and Willow breathed in a quick breath before throwing him a glare. "I tried!"

"Excuses, excuses." He rolled his eyes.

Willow fumbled for words and Leo grinned, sweeping her off of her foot and throwing her onto the couch. The force made her bounce and almost fall off, but Leo promptly pushed her back up, threw the pillow on her, and sat down right onto of it.

Willow laughed and Leo laughed; their voices filled the air for a long time before both of them quieted down and exchanged glances. A grin rose onto Leo's face and Willow followed suit before both of them were cracking up again, their laughter turning into tearful wheezes of joy.

Leo rolled off of her and sat on the floor, looking up and smiling. Willow sat up, pulling her paralyzed leg with her other one, making room for him next to her. Leo jumped up and leaned against her.

Willow held his hand, inspecting his green, calloused fingers and comparing them to her smaller, softer ones. Leo watched and all was quiet.

"Do you think we would have been friends?" Willow asked quietly.

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