Chapter 21: Blood Ultimatum

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"You monster!" Willow charged the woman, but Leo grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, remembering how wrong it had went last time Willow had angrily charged her mother.

"Willow, it isn't worth it." He told her, stepping back.

"I don't understand, why are you mad at me again?"

Willow snarled. "They raised me! You killed them!"

The mother scoffed. "They were keeping you from me. They loved you only because it was their job. I stopped them. I revealed the truth to you. Isn't that what you have been doing all this time as a reporter? Fighting for truth? Now you have it and you're angry?"

"Of course!" Willow growled. "The truth is often an ugly thing and you are just like every other corrupt human out there! I will fight against you until I take my last breath."

"All in due time." The woman sighed. "But for now, I merely request that you consider my offer. That we can be a family again."

"Such a great apology." Willow said. "To tell me even more reasons I should hate you. I'll consider your offer for the same amount of time I'd consider eating a roach with ketchup."

"You have until tonight." Willow's mother stated.

"Consider it decided." Willow snapped. "I will never be with you."

"Fine. Then you have until tonight before I bring the box-"

"Fuck your box." Willow growled. "I never want to see you again."

"That's not an option."

The woman stepped back and disappeared into forest.

"What does she mean that's not an option?" Willow demanded, walking toward the direction her mother disappeared into.

Leo grabbed her arm, a steely look on his face. "We need to go."

Willow looked at him in annoyance for a moment before his tone and the reality of the situation set in. Her eyes widened.

Leo put his hand on the small of Willow's back and silently led her back toward the farmhouse. He sent one last glance toward the stream.

The moment they got back to the house, Leo gathered the others, calling them all into the kitchen.

"Willow's mom is a threat." He looked at them and narrowes his eyes. "She's coming for Willow tonight."

"Oh, okay. We'll make them some pizza." Mikey decided. "Willow, what kind of movies does your mom like?"

Raph shoved Mikey to the side half-heartly and looked at Leo. "So what are we going to do?"

"You, Casey, and I will lockade the windows. We're going to make their entrance smaller. The door will be left open. The door will be left open." Leo ordered.

"Why don't we booby trap the lawn and surrounding forest?" Karai suggested.

Leo shook his head. "Chances are, they're watching us. I don't want to waste resources that could potentially backfire."

"Hold up," Willow frowned, "why don't we just tell Shredder where they are and he can kill them for betraying him?"

"That would reveal our location." Donnie pointed out.


Leo cleared his throat, taking the attention away from his idiot girlfriend.

"We also need an escape route. The van we brought could be tracked, so it's not an option." He told them.

"I know a way." April rose her hand. "I know these woods like the back of my hand. There's a storage shed a little ways out we could hide in."

"Good." He nodded.

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