Chapter 1 [EDITED]

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The alarm clock blared. Y/N groaned at the noise and buried their head under the pillow. So much for a productive summer.

Y/N didn't do anything the past month, just like every other summer. Except this summer they were less motivated, mostly because of the moving. They had trouble adjusting so they decided to put it aside. They delayed it day after day until the end of summer came. A month in and their bedroom was still the only room left filled with untouched boxes. The only things assembled were their bed and their desk. No matter how much Y/N's mom nagged, their room remained that way.

Y/N's mom came to the doorway. "Wake up, Y/N. You wouldn't want to be late. Breakfast's already made."

"Yes, mom," came out a muffled reply. Y/N trudged out of bed and dragged their feet to the bathroom. Y/N looked in the mirror. They were having one of their usual bed hair days and their eyes looked puffier than normal. They frustratedly rubbed their face.

"Typical." Y/N continued to get ready, tired.

Somewhat satisfied, Y/N went downstairs and sat down at the counter. A plate of toast and eggs were presented in front of them. Their siblings were already up, watching cartoons. "Eat, I don't want you angry on your first day," Mom said.

"So you want me to be hungry every other day?" Y/N joked.

"I don't want you to be hungry, period," Mom smiled.

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I asked for the day off today. It's just that you're all starting your new schools today."

"It won't be any different from my old one."

"Yes, but it's still important that you start the school year off good and end it that way, don't you think?"

Y/N shrugged and ate their eggs.

"Don't be like that, Y/N. You never know." Their mom reached out and touched their cheek. "Look at you, a junior now. Your sister is starting third grade and your brother is starting kindergarten. You're all growing up."

Y/N stopped eating. "Isn't it hard raising all of us?" Alone?  Y/N thought.

"No, not really. Although you can all be a pain sometimes." She laughed.

"...Don't you miss home?"

"I do. But it's nice here. Plus the environment is better for you kids."

"We didn't need to move here."

"What's wrong with moving here?"

"We didn't need to move here." I know it isn't just because of your job.

A heavy silence hung in the air. "Y/N, I want what's best for you. For all of us."

"Well what if this isn't the best? We'd be just fine in our old house."

"That's why it was good to move, the old house..."

"There was nothing wrong."

"I know it's hard to adapt, but you might like it." Y/N stood up, non-verbally announcing the end of the topic. It wasn't the first time they've had this conversation, but it always ended the same.

"I better get going."

"Wait, honey, let me take a picture of all of you kids. Belle, Jeffery, come here and take a picture with your sibling!"

"Mom!" Y/N groaned.

Y/N's mom gathered the kids outside and took a picture of them in front of their house. It took a minute or two before Mom could take a good picture. "Okay, that's good—Jeffery, you made silly faces in all of them."

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