Chapter 21

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Hajime was standing at the end of the hallway, his eyebrows furrowed worryingly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, approaching rapidly.

"No, don't come closer," Y/N commanded. They turned their body to shield their swollen face. Crap.They're already done playing? Y/N wondered. How long was I crying for?

Ignoring their request, he quickly made his way over and knelt down to their level. "Are you okay?"

Y/N turned even further. "I'm okay."

"Uhm..." Hajime patted his body and found a crumpled tissue. "Here, use this."

Y/N blindly patted the air and retrieved it. They drew it up to their face and cleaned up the snotty mess.

"Do you want to go somewhere private?" He asked.

Y/N nodded and let themself be pulled up by Hajime. They walked to the band room where Hajime assured them that no one would come. There, he stayed with Y/N quietly until their sobs subsided. The only things left now were sniffling, hiccups, and a gaping hole in Y/N chest.

Now being calm, Y/N was embarrassed to realize that this was the second time that Hajime had seen them cry. They quickly wiped their face as best as they could and turned their body away again.

"...Do you want to talk about it?" He gently inquired.

They shook their head. "I want to go home."

"I'll take you home."

"No, it's okay. The band needs you."

"We're done playing, so I don't think there's anything left to do." He shrugged. "Plus, there's no way I'm letting you walk in the cold home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let's get our jackets and I'll drive you."

Once their jackets were on, Hajime led the way to the car. The drive back home was quiet since no one was in the mood to talk. Hajime stole a few glances at the broken box that Y/N clutched, but he didn't pry into what happened. Not that he really needed to.

Hajime came to a gradual stop at the red light. That gave him the opportunity to talk to Y/N. " want to go somewhere?"

Y/N didn't feel like going anywhere, but they were curious by his proposal. "...Like where?"

"Something to eat? We can order something at a fast food drive-thru, I know you haven't eaten since we left."

Usually, Y/N wouldn't feel hungry, especially not after a rejection. Except for some reason, their stomach rumbled at the thought of food. "...Okay."

"Do you want to go to any specific restaurant?"

"I don't know."

"How about Stick's?"

"What's Stick's?"

"You've never had Stick's? Seriously?"

"I don't think so."

"My god. We're going there right now." As soon as the lights turned green, Hajime pressed on the gas. He skillfully maneuvered his steering wheel to make a left turn.

"We don't have to," Y/N offered.

"No, you've really got to try it. I bet it'll cheer you—"

Hajime quickly slammed the brakes in the middle of the intersection. The sudden jerk lurched the passengers forward. Hajime palmed his horn at a driver on the opposite end. The person was making a right turn into the street when Hajime had the right-of-way. The car continued its route, ignoring the potential danger that they could've put others in.

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