Chapter 5

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You: your memes are getting more random everydayHajime: I know :)

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You: your memes are getting more random everyday

I know :)

You: i'll ttyl i'm studying for my quiz

Hajime: Got it, good luck 👍

A few weeks have passed since. More assignments had started to pile in. All the classes were heavy on the work and Y/N had to push themselves to not procrastinate. On top of focusing on their classes and grades, Y/N had also been attending band practices. Not only did they serve as an audience, but they offered helpful critique for everyone in the band.

On a morning of a quiz day during a testing week, Y/N sat in their homeroom reviewing their biology notes.

The table shook as Ibuki sat down across from them, her chains and bracelets clanked against the desk. "Heya!" Ibuki saluted.

"Hey...!" Y/N pulled back in surprise.

"Watcha doin'?" Ibuki asked.

"I'm just studying, why?"

"Studying?" Ibuki groaned. "Wouldn't you rather do something more fun?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, just about anything!"

"Yeah, but we have a quiz today in biology."

"I hate quizzes," Ibuki stifled a yawn. Suddenly, she jolted upright. "Hey, I have an idea! Let's study together!"

"But I thought you didn't like to study," Y/N joked.

"I don't, but I think it'll be a lot more fun if we did it together!"

Y/N and Ibuki studied together. The test was on plant cell vocabulary and its functions so with Y/N's notes, Ibuki made colorful flashcards out of sticky notes to use. As they were studying, Y/N realized Ibuki was a bright and intelligent person despite her lack of enthusiasm for school. She learned differently, associating words and definitions with pictures; which she drew on the sticky notes.

As Y/N flipped through the flashcards, Ibuki would get almost every one right. "Woo-hoo! I got it right again!" Ibuki shouted.

"Yeah, you did," Y/N grinned. The two high-fived.

"Good morning Y/N, good morning Ibuki," Nagito greeted. He had come into the homeroom to see his two schoolmates hovering over a pile of sticky notes. "What are you two doing?"

"We're studying for our quiz for next hour!" Ibuki said. "Wanna study with us?"

"For what class?" he asked.


"Yes, that would be nice," he smiled. "I don't have a biology test until the end of the week so this would be a great review."

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