One-Year Special + NOTICE

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Hello, this is an Author's Note and I present to you a chapter to celebrate an overdue one-year anniversary of this story. I'll keep it short so you can get to reading right away. To my readers, how would you feel about the main story being discontinued? I have a lot planned for the story but I would rather not follow through if it is not interesting for you all. Please leave a comment on your opinions. Thank you!

*This following short story is a "what if" scenario and is not a canon part of the main story. Also includes suggestive jokes and comments.*

Being 18 and freshly out of high school, the first thing most people would do is taste the freedom that comes with adulthood—and that's exactly what the band did. Y/N, Ibuki, Hajime, Kazuichi, Twogami, and Hiyoko divided themselves into two cars and hit the road without a second thought.

As they started on their adventure, the suburban landscape gradually disappeared. There were no more houses nor buildings, and aside from the color green, only occasional farms and fences covered the land. Their destination, well, they didn't have one. Now being able to make their own rules, they would go and stop wherever they wanted to. One thing that remained constant was that they would always end the night camping.

"Look, a cow!" Hajime exclaimed from the driver's seat.

"That's like, the fifth time that you've said that," Kazuichi groaned from the backseat.

"Sorry, I can't help it, it's a habit."

"Can you find a different habit? Long enough for me to sleep without being told there's a cow every 15 minutes."

"If you don't like it, put on your headphones or switch to the other car."

"You know why I can't. I cannot stand being in the same room—no, car—with Hiyoko."

"Then put on your headphones."

Kazuichi grumbled one last time before conceding and shifting into a sleeping position.

Hajime rolled his eyes playfully before reaching for the car's music system. "Do you want to listen to anything?"

"I don't know if you'll enjoy the music I like. Plus, it might wake Kazuichi up," Y/N answered.

"It's alright, I'm okay with most music. And don't worry about Kazuichi, once he's asleep he won't hear a thing. He's like Sleeping Beauty. You know, without the beauty part."

With a grin, Y/N connected their phone to the car's Bluetooth system, their fingers scrolling the screen as they found their playlist. The car was soon filled with rock, a genre both they and Hajime enjoyed. They lowered the volume so they could continue to talk to Hajime. "Do you know where we're headed?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. I guess whenever the others feel like pulling over to eat or to get gas."

"Oh, okay."

"It would've been nice if we actually planned something instead of driving around aimlessly. It sounds kind of too idealistic."

"Either way, I'm sure it'll still be fun."

He took Y/N's hand and intertwined his fingers firmly with theirs. "Yeah, I think so. Especially since you're coming along."

Y/N felt their face reddening as they turned to look out of their window. They said nothing but couldn't help but feel something for Hajime's words. It hadn't been long since they had started dating, so it was understandable that Y/N wasn't ready to be affectionate in public yet. Before leaving for the trip, they made Hajime swear up and down that he wouldn't make any physical advances. But still, this would be the first time they spent a week away from their family with a boy they liked. The idea made Y/N incredibly nervous yet secretly excited.

Our Song - DanganronpaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon