Chapter 9

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Y/N was indeed free that weekend.

Hajime had invited them to go to the arcade. While they were on awkward terms, he planned a way to make it up to them. Though it was supposed to be a day for the two, Belle and Jeffery quickly crashed it. When they overheard Y/N telling their weekend plans to their mom, the kids begged and whined. Y/N didn't really mind if they went with, but supervising two energetic kids was a pain in the neck.

"Is this a new friend of yours?" Mom asked.

"No, it's the one that's been driving me home," Y/N answered.

"Then I don't mind. I'd like to meet them first if I can."

"Yeah, he said he'll come over and pick us up."

"On Saturday, right? At 12 PM?"


"Okay, that's fine. It's good for you and your siblings to go out there. We've been here for a few months and we don't know most of the area yet."

"Yeah, Jeffery and Belle have never been to an arcade either."

"It would be a fun experience for them," Mom added. "You should really learn how to drive so you can take your siblings to places."

"Yes, mom," Y/N said, holding back a groan.

"Maybe I should use that day as a spa day," she half-joked.

"You should, you haven't taken one in forever."

"Maybe I will."

Y/N let Hajime know about the plan change in advance. He was okay with it, and he told them he had an old seat booster that Jeffery could use. The time passed by pretty quickly that week. Now that Y/N didn't have to dread culinary class or gym, it's been easier. Y/N showed up for the band meeting that week too. They were met with an extremely tight bearhug from Ibuki and quite the scolding from Hiyoko, which was new. If Y/N didn't know any better, they would've thought that Hiyoko actually missed them.

There was just one problem. Y/N wasn't sure how to approach Nagito after what Hajime told them. Y/N didn't feel or treat him any differently, it was that Y/N wanted Nagito's side of the story but they didn't know how to bring it up. Every time they tried to, they always ended up staring. The staring. It had become much, much more frequent. Each time Y/N realized they were staring at Nagito, Y/N scolded themself to allow it to happen again. Not that it was ever successful in preventing the next ogling.

One time, in particular, Y/N was staring at Nagito in math. It was like they were in a deep trance. The teacher was talking but to Y/N, it was just background noise. As if Nagito knew they were staring, he had instinctively turned to face them. "Do you need something?" Nagito had whispered to them.

It had turned Y/N bright red. All they could do was fiercely shake their head "no" and look away. They had started to ask themself if they liked Nagito, afraid to admit the answer to that question. Y/N silently cursed Ibuki for embedding such thoughts into their head. They didn't intend to keep what they knew away from him, but for now, they would wait until there was a proper time to talk to him.

Y/N started their Saturday morning in a frenzy. First, Y/N accidentally woke up late, forgetting that they were supposed to be meeting Hajime in 30 minutes. In a rush they tried multitasking, brushing their teeth and hair simultaneously. That ended up with the electric toothbrush falling from their mouth and showering themself in saliva-infused toothpaste. White flecks dotting their shirt, skin, and freshly brushed hair were clearly visible. It didn't stop there. While hurryingly changing out of their pajamas, they fell by tripping over their own leg. Y/N groaned, Now I'm covered in toothpaste and bruises.

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