Chapter 10

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Y/N woke up to the scent of waffles wafting through the air. They didn't want to get up. It was still earlier than they usually got out, but the call of breakfast was overpowering. Y/N rolled out of bed and stretched. Following the smell towards the kitchen, they found their mother pouring batter into the waffle maker. The pan softly sizzled as the batter drizzled over it.

"Good morning, Y/N. Sit and eat. I made you a plate already."

Y/N tiredly sat down. Their mom placed a waffle in front of them. A staggering amount of whipped cream was dolloped on top, sprinkled with fresh fruit. Their favorite combination. It was strange. Although their mom usually made waffles for breakfast, rarely did she ever use cream and fruits. Their mom always made these types of waffles when she was in a good mood. Or it could've meant that she needed a favor. She did just go to the spa, Y/N thought. Maybe it helped her relax. Whatever the reason was, it was a pretty sweet deal.

It was Sunday, a day after going to the arcade. The experience still remained fresh in their mind. After getting pizza, Belle and Jeffery were disappointed that the trip was about to end. Y/N also found themself to share their disappointment. Hajime promised them that it wouldn't be the last time that they hung out and that seemed to cheer the kids up.

"Thank you, Mom." Y/N took a savory bite out of their breakfast.

Mom forked out a fresh waffle from the maker, repeating her batter-pouring process. Her back was to Y/N when she started to speak. "I need to take Jeffery to buy some supplies for his project. Can you watch Belle for today?"

So it was a favor after all.

"Why don't you just take her with you?"

"You know the answer to that. She's going to ask for things she doesn't need and we're tight on budget right now."

"Yeah, Belle does tend to do that," Y/N agreed. "Okay, I can watch her."

"Thank you, Y/N," she said, smiling tenderly.

On cue, Belle skipped into the kitchen, plopping onto the chair. "Ooh, you made waffles? Yum!" She plucked a strawberry from Y/N's plate.

"Help yourself," Mom said, sliding another platter.

Belle took it and started dousing it with maple syrup.

Y/N made a face. "And I thought I had a sweet tooth." Belle paid no attention to the comment and poured more.

"You two should go to the park today," Mom suggested.

"The park, why?" Belle asked through a mouthful of waffles.

"Come on, it's a warm day," she said. "You don't get a lot of that in anymore. It'll be the last warm day of the year before it gets colder."

"What about Jeffery?"

"He has... an appointment today."

Belle let out an exaggerated sigh. "Okaaay."

"But do bring a jacket if it does get chilly." Belle nodded obediently, happily kicking her feet as she dug into her breakfast.

Y/N finished eating and cleaned up. Y/N and Belle both put on their shoes and stepped outside. Y/N's mom was right about the weather. Though it was late November, the breeze was cool but the sun kept on shining. The trees were bare now. The fallen brown leaves lay scattered all over the road and lawns, waiting for someone to gather them.

"Let's go to that park again," said Belle, pulling at Y/N's hand.

"What, like that park last time?" They recalled the park that they took their siblings to that one summer day. Y/N had only gone there a few times, all before school had started.

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