Chapter 2

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A/N: There was an error last chapter, Y/N's schedule should be updated.

Y/N was right, they did nap for a long time. As soon as they got home, they were knocked out cold. They had forgotten how exhausting school could be. When their mom woke them up, it was already dark outside.

Mom stood at the doorway, the hallway light illuminating behind their mom's silhouette contrasted with Y/N's dark room. "How was school?" she asked.

Y/N pulled their sheets down from their face. "It was okay, mom."

"Come downstairs and eat dinner, we can talk more there," she suggested. "Come on, I let you sleep in more than you should've."

"Okay," Y/N said. They kicked their blanket off and got up and stretched. That was a good nap.

The two went downstairs. The siblings were already seated at the table, finishing their dinner. Y/N took a seat. Mom made macaroni and cheese with extra cheese, their favorite.

"Did you find your classes alright?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, it went okay. But the school is really big," Y/N replied.

"I saw, you aren't wrong. What about friends, did you make any?"

Y/N shrugged, "I guess."

"That's good. See? It's not so bad."

Y/N shrugged again.

"You should join clubs."


"Yeah, have you considered it yet? You should try some out. You know, get involved with your school and make new friends."

"I don't really want to though."

"Why not? I think it's a good idea."

"I don't know, I haven't looked into it yet."

Belle burped. "Mom, I'm done. Can I watch TV now?"

"Me too, me too!" Jeffery chanted.

"Alright, you can," Mom said. As soon as she did, the two kids dashed off towards the living room.

Mom redirected her attention towards Y/N again. "Well, just think about it, okay?" Y/N's mom got up, cleaning the table. "Can you wash the dishes when you're done?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Oh, and clean your room soon. I saw it earlier and you didn't unpack your things. We're not going to move again, so you might as well take everything out of the boxes."

Y/N finished eating and washed all the dirty dishes. They thought about what their mom had said. I'm not here to make friends, they thought. Y/N shook their head and pushed it away.

After they finished, they went to play Super Smash Bros with their siblings for a bit. Y/N liked to spend time with their siblings as much as they could before their siblings had to grow. Y/N swore they were just babies yesterday. That thought didn't last for long though. Their sister had beaten them again somehow, boasting it to everyone. It got too obnoxious so they decided to go to their room and rest.

Y/N laid on their bed staring at the ceiling. They took out their phone and put in their earbuds, streaming their favorite band. It was nights like these that got them thinking, and they've been having a lot of these nights. They thought about their old house and life before. Although it wasn't that long ago, they still missed it. They certainly didn't miss the people, they missed the other things. I miss the neighborhood, I miss the house, and... I miss you. Feeling the tears well up, they closed their eyes. They tried to focus on the rock music instead of the empty feeling deep within them.

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