Chapter 16

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"Ibuki, is this plugged in?" Kazuichi asked, pointing at his bass.

"Oh, oops! Doing it now," she said, plugging it into the amplifier. "There you go."

The weekend sun streamed through the basement hopper windows, casting a warm afternoon glow on the band as they settled into their familiar positions, instruments in hand. Ibuki took center stage, her guitar slung over her shoulder. She enthusiastically strummed a few chords, testing the sound and instantly filling the room with a burst of reverb.

Y/N sat next to Hajime on the cold sofa, talking about nothing important and awaiting practice. Hiyoko was also on the sofa, but to Y/N's left. She was sharing her gummy bears with Y/N, although withholding her favorite ones.

"You can have some but don't touch the green ones, those are mine," she informed.

Y/N's eyes widened as they instinctively cupped their hands to catch some gummy bears that Hiyoko plopped into their lap. "Oh, uhm, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get used to it."

Hajime chuckled. "I never thought I would see you sharing your gummy bears with anyone."

Hiyoko munched on her snacks. "Don't let it get to your head, I'm still the boss around here."

"Hey, guys!" Ibuki called to the group. "Check out this new guitar riff I came up with! It's gonna blow your minds!"

Kazuichi listened with interest. "Whoa, let me add some bass to it!" The two played chaotically and out of sync before Hiyoko spoke up.

"Can you two be any more annoying, Kazuichi? Your noise is giving me a headache," Hiyoko ridiculed from the sofa. "I can't enjoy my bears with your ruckus."

"Good," Kazuichi grinned. "You're just jealous that I've got more talent in my toe than you do in your entire body."

"Here they go again," Hajime sighed, making Y/N stifle a laugh.

"Talent? You're kidding, right? I've seen garden snails move faster than you play," she threw back, snickering.

He scoffed. "That is so not true."

"Yeah, you'd need a miracle to hit a note correctly."

Ibuki, taking the insults lightly, interjected. "Aw, come on, Hiyoko! We're just having fun!"

"Can you guys not fight all of the time? It's always like this when we practice," Hajime groaned. He got up from his seat and made his way over to the drumset. "Let's focus. We need to get this song down for the upcoming gig. We can't afford to get distracted."

Hiyoko rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mr. Serious. Just don't expect me to hold back on the insults if Kazuichi keeps being an idiot."

"Hiyoko, Kazuichi, let's maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere, alright?" Twogami told them. "We're a team, and we need to support each other."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Twogami," Kazuichi grumbled.

Ibuki pumped her fist in the air. "You got it, Twogami! I'm ready to rock and roll! That's the saying, right?"

Twogami nodded. "That's right. But like Hajime said, we need to ensure our performance is tight and polished. Distractions won't help us achieve that."

"I can't work with this fart head over here," Hiyoko complained, pointing at Kazuichi.

He stuck his tongue out at her. "Well, I don't want to work with a spoiled brat like you."

Hajime hit the cymbal to grab everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone. We're a band, and we want to deliver a great performance. So, can we please focus and get back on track?"

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