Chapter 3

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Hajime stayed true to his promise. In the following days, Hajime started to send a meme every morning-even on weekends-when Y/N hadn't expected him to. But the weekend had passed. It was Monday now, and Y/N was walking to the homeroom when their phone vibrated. It was Hajime.


Hajime: This reminds me of Teruteru

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Hajime: This reminds me of Teruteru

Y/N smiled at their phone, stifling a small laugh. His humor was entertaining, more than Y/N liked to admit. They sent a quick text back:

You: lol

In a minute, their phone beeped again.

Hajime: I have a lot more than this, hope you're prepared :D

Y/N couldn't help but smile at his ridiculous message. They had forgotten where they were walking until they almost ran into someone.

"Oh, heya Y/N!" Ibuki called out, lively as ever. "You ought to watch where you're going or you'll fall and break your back!"

"Heeded," Y/N said.

"It's nice to see you again after a terribly short weekend," Ibuki sighed, her head drooping dramatically. She quickly bounced back to her usual peppy self. "Where ya headed?"

"To homeroom."

"Ooh, okay. Let me come with you, Ibuki has so much to tell you. You'll never guess what happened this weekend." Ibuki followed alongside Y/N, talking about her weekend. She was still talking as they arrived at the classroom. "...And then my smoothie was knocked over! I mean, I didn't even get to try it. I can kiss that 5 dollars and smoothie goodbye."

Y/N sat down. "That sucks."

Ibuki plopped down right next to them. "I know! I was so sad but after we passed by a pet store and I was happy again. But then there was a dog that reminded me of my smoothie and I got sad again."

"It reminded you of your smoothie?"

"Yeah, but its eyes looked like blueberries and I ordered a blueberry and strawberry smoothie."

"I guess their tiny, black eyes do resemble blueberries."

Ibuki nodded affirmingly. "Definitely. We should hang out next time. How was your weekend?"

"Nothing new," Y/N shrugged. Which was true. They spent their weekend at home either doing chores and watching their siblings; or like any other teenager, going on their phone.

"Aw, we should definitely hang out then. Try something new, y'know?" Ibuki suggested. "We're friends now, right?"

Y/N was taken aback. "Yeah, if you think so."

"Good, then can I give you a nickname?"

Y/N frowned, confused. "Okay, sure."

"Okay! Is it okay if Ibuki calls you Y/N-chan? I call all of my friends that."

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