Chapter 8

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No text whatsoever from Hajime.

As much as Y/N was upset at Hajime, some part of them still hoped for some kind of communication with him. It had been over a week since they last talked with Hajime. It started with the morning memes when he had stopped sending them. But it didn't stop there. Though they had to directly interact with Hajime in culinary class, he never made his usual small talk. He only talked to them if he had been ordered or needed Y/N to perform a task. Even in the gym, he stayed distant. Y/N skipped band practice that week. They were unsure of how to face Hajime at that point. But that came with its own consequences. Ibuki blew up their phone, but luckily she understood the situation. She urged Y/N to settle things with Hajime soon, for their own good.

Y/N sighed. "What's the matter? Did you receive some bad news?" Nagito asked, peering over Y/N's shoulder. The music from the television made his voice almost inaudible.

They, Nagito, and their siblings were sitting in the living room. It was Sunday and Nagito was over that afternoon. Y/N's siblings had gotten a new game and begged for Nagito to come over. Just Dance 20XX had just come out. Jeffery and Belle compiled their allowance to buy the game. Their mom had given her approval. In fact, she was for the idea. She was just as eager as Y/N's siblings were. She was just happy that Y/N was making friends. At first, Y/N was nervous about inviting Nagito over. Sure, they talked about it but they never formally invited him over. Luckily, Nagito was more than happy to come over.

"No, it's not that, don't worry about it." Y/N placed their phone down. "Anyway, did you two pick out a song yet?"

"Yeah! I want to do this one," Jeffery squeaked.

"Fine, but we're doing this song after," Belle pouted.

"Let's play, Nappy!" Jeffery called out.

"Who's Nappy?" Y/N asked.

"Nappy!" He pointed to Nagito.

"I'm Nappy...?" Nagito asked.

"Yes, yes." Jeffery tugged on Nagito's hand, urging him to stand up.

"No, you call him Mister," Belle corrected.


"No, it's Mis. Ter."


"Nevermind," Belle sighed. She turned to Y/N. "Are you dancing?"

"No, I think I'll just watch." Y/N wasn't that great of a dancer. It was already embarrassing to dance alone, so there was no way they would dance in front of people, especially Nagito.

"It's more fun if you dance too, get up," Belle demanded. Belle pulled on their arm, trying to get Y/N off the couch. Y/N tried to resist before Nagito came up to them.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's try out the game," he told them.

"It's going to be embarrassing if I lose," Y/N said.

"I'm kind of disappointed. I didn't think you would give up before trying," he egged on. "Even a person like me is willing to try."

"It's not that I don't want to try."

"Then what's stopping you?"

Y/N paused, unsure whether to take the bait or not. "Fine. But if I accidentally hit you in the face then that's on you." The kids cheered as Y/N got up, picking up the controller.

The four selected a character on screen and started the song. It was a hit of that year, one of Jeffery's favorites. At first, it was awkward for Y/N. They were frustrated at how they kept getting okays and Xs but they soon got into the rhythm of it. They were now too focused to be self-conscious. Jeffery and Belle also did their best to follow along with the song, but Jeffery couldn't help but occasionally trip over himself. Nonetheless, it was fun.

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