Chapter 4 [EDITED]

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 "Guess who started a band!"

It was a cloudy Friday and Y/N was in biology, sitting beside an eccentric Ibuki. "You, I'm guessing?"

"That's right!" Ibuki cheered. "I'm so excited! I convinced my friends to join. They're all serious about music too! It took a while, but they finally said yes!"

"When do you start?"

"Today! Well, we actually started, but I forgot to tell you. I want to get together today so we can play together and so I can see how much we have improved in synchronization." Before Y/N could say anything, Ibuki continued. "AND I want you to stay after. Ibuki hasn't forgotten her vow."

"I don't think that'll make me like music anymore," Y/N said. They noticed that sometimes, in the middle of a rant, Ibuki would talk about herself in third person. They weren't sure why she did that, but it was entertaining nonetheless. They assumed it was because of all the excitement Ibuki got caught up in. Or maybe she's just a little odd.

"You never know, Y/N-chan. You just never know."


"Come on, just this once, you really never know! You should watch Ibuki play! It's more exciting than studying. A lot of things are more exciting! Like karaoke, bumper cars, having a movie marathon, making pizza... speaking of pizza there's going to be pizza this time!"

"I guess you're right. When does it take place, after school?"


"I'll have to let my mom know."

"Okay, just know you're welcome to watch anytime! I'll give you front-row seats because we're friends."

"Okay, thank you. I'll see if I can stay after school. "

Suddenly, Ibuki groaned. "When does school end? I want it to be at the end of the day already. I'm so sick of the work."

"But it's only the first hour."

"Yeah, and then we have the next hour, and the hour after that, and..."

Next hour... Next hour, Y/N had English. The thought of their English paper came to mind. Where is it anyway? They rummaged once through their backpack. Then twice. Once they realized it wasn't in their backpack they worried anxiously, thinking about where it could be. They started to hope that their assignment was in their locker. They planned to get out of class as soon as possible.

When the bell rang, Y/N quickly wrapped up and tried to get out. But before they could, their teacher called for them. "Y/N, Ibuki, I need you both to stay after class for a moment."

Ibuki and Y/N threw a quick glance at each other, obviously confused. They both approached the teacher.

"Y/N, Ibuki, I'm starting to think you two haven't been putting your fullest attention into this class," she started. "I always see you two talking. I'm afraid if this continues, I might have to do something."

Y/N thought. Their worries intensified. They had no idea how they were going to explain this to their mom. "I'm sorry, miss. It won't happen again."

"Good, because the next time it does, you're both getting detention."

Detention? Just for talking? Not only was that unreasonable, but it was a waste of time. Y/N understood it was disrespectful to talk when the teacher was talking, but it's not like they weren't paying attention to the contents of the class. Y/N sighed frustratedly and felt annoyance bubbling up inside them towards the teacher. They glanced at the time on their phone. They weren't sure if they had enough time to stop at their locker before class started.

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