Christmas Special

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Y/N shivered as a gust of wind blew past their face. The trees swayed back and forth in harmony as it snowed lightly upon the streets. Carefully making their way up the ice-covered driveway, Y/N could hear the muffled Christmas music booming from inside Ibuki's house.

The previous week, Ibuki had invited Y/N to a party she was hosting at her house. She had told them there would be food, music, activities, and secret santa. They were reluctant, but their mom had told Y/N that it would be a great experience for them, since it could give Y/N an opportunity to make more friends. Before they left, their mom had given them a plastic-wrapped tray of cookies to bring to the party.

Y/N approached the door, tray in one hand, and a present in the other. They balanced the items on one hand and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the door. The door swung open moments later and Ibuki was standing there in her unique alternative Christmas outfit.

"Y/N-chan, you made it! Come in, come in!" Ibuki pulled them inside.

Y/N patted the snow off their clothes and hair. They looked up. Colorful lights lined the room, streamers dangled from the ceiling, and a giant Christmas tree stood in the middle of the room. "Wow," they breathed.

"Don't be amazed yet, we haven't even started decorating the tree yet!" Ibuki spun towards the tree.

Y/N saw a familiar face sitting in the living room, their heart beating a little faster as their eyes met Hajime's.

Hajime sat up, a smile widening upon his face, "Hey."

"Hey," Y/N waved.

Ibuki threw her arm around Y/N's shoulder, causing them to lurch forward. "Annnd, we're going to—wait. What are we going to do again?" She removed her arm from Y/N and read a note off her hand. "Oh, right! We're gonna start decorating the tree soon! There's a lotta stuff we can use to decorate the tree. A lot of stuff! Let me go get the supplies. I'll be right back!" Ibuki jumped away and disappeared behind a wall.

Hajime made his way over to Y/N, "Let me help you with that." He gestured towards the items in their hands.

"Oh, thank you," Y/N handed him the gifts and shouldered off their coat. They kicked off their boots and put them off to the side.

"Over here," Hajime led them over to the living room. Y/N looked around. Kazuichi had come, along with Nagito, Twogami, Mikan, Fuyuhiko, Peko, and some other people Y/N didn't recognize. "I didn't think you'd show up," Hajime said.

"Why, did you want me to?" Y/N teased.

Hajime, looking serious and not registering the joke, raised a brow. "Yeah, of course I did."

"Oh," a wave of fuzziness washed over them as Y/N smiled to themselves.

"Wait here for a bit," Hajime continued, "I need to put these on the table."

"Okay," Y/N nodded. As he walked away, they felt a tap on their shoulder from behind.

"Hi, Y/N," Nagito grinned, his eyes crinkling.

Y/N glanced forward, "Oh, hey." They took in Nagito's attire, he was wearing layers and layers of sweaters and jackets, nearly covering every inch of skin on his body. "You're certainly wearing a lot."

"Yeah, I get cold easily," Nagito laughed embarrassingly. "It is cold outside."

"How'd you even get through the door?"

Nagito started, "Well—"

"Hot cocoa is better!"

"No, eggnog is!"

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