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Today is the day! Today is the fucking day, after all this damn time it's finally here. I'm going to lose it, I have no present!

"Mason, ten minutes until you have to leave!" My mom called. I groaned, looking around the room for my other converse. Where the fuck is it I just saw it like, not even two days ago. I can never find it when I need it.

I got onto my knees, pecking under the bed. Ha! There it is.

I shoved the shoe on my foot, tying it tight. Alright, I gotta go, I can't stay any longer or I'll be late. "See you later guys!" I yelled as I made a beeline to the
front door.

"Wait You almost forgot the cookies!" My mom yelled, rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the cookie platter she made for today and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I hopped into my car, putting the cookies on the
passenger's seat carefully, making my way to the school.

I wonder if Ryker forgot about the bet we made? Will he still remember? Will he really make me kiss him? I mean, after the other day it shouldn't be that hard, right?

But kissing him first. I dunno if I could do that! I hate to admit it, but I don't have the balls to kiss him first! He's all, tall and strong and junk, and I'm just short and wimpy and kinda socially awkward at times.

And will he even kiss me back? Will I be good at it if I kiss him first?

I sighed, pulling into the parking lot, feeling my heart starting up with the crazy palpitations. Just thinking about Ryker gets my heart going, it's crazy that that boy has such an effect on me.

I got out of my car, the cold air nipping at my exposed face. I shivered, shuffling into the school with the cookie platter. I took off my coat and put it in my locker, making my way into the gym where all the kids chatting up with each other.

The gym looked nice with a bunch of Christmas
decorations. It smelt like baked goods, and they had some of the bleachers out for people to sit on. A large speaker sat in the corner, blasting some classic Christmas music.

It wasn't really a super dressy thing, but kind of dressy casual. I had on just some light jeans and a black button up, keeping I simple. I never dressed up for these anyways, what's the point. I liked none of these people anyways.

I looked around, trying to spot Ryker but he was nowhere to be found it seemed like. Guess I'm going to stand here looking lonely until he gets here.

Why am I scrounging for Ryker. I'm like a desperate girl with a crush. Calm down Mason, he'll get here when he gets here.

I put the cookies down on one of the tables with cookies and other baked goods on it, rubbing my shaking hands on my pant legs. I chatted casually with some of the people picking up snacks, but I
soon got bored of that and walked away. Where is he?

Did he just decide not to show up? Did he not want a present if I had bought one? Did-

"Boo!" Someone yelled, poking my sides from behind. I yelped, spinning around quickly. I glared at Ryker as he laughed at my reaction.

"Did I really scare you?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

Yes! You jerk." I said, hitting him lightly. He laughed again, one side of his mouth going up further than the other.

"I have something for you." He said, picking up a present off the table that was right next to us. I didn't even notice it was there.

"For me?" I asked. "I was supposed to get you some
not the other war around"

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