Walking Dead Oc #3

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"You don't disrespect a woman, your Mother never teach you that?"

Name| Valentine Vaughan

Nickname(s)/Alias(s)| Val(Everyone), V(Friends), Soldier(Army People), & Sergeant Vaughan(Alias)

Age| 24

Birthday| Feburary 13th

Gender| Male

Blood Type| O-

Sexuality| Pansexual

Personality| Valentine is a bit of a hard ass, knowing that hard things have to happen to save people. He however doesn't have to enjoy them, it was the same when he was on tours. He tries to help anyone, never preferring killing over talking. He is pretty kind, putting other peoples needs over his own. He is pretty patient and willing to listen, but he will not accept disrespect to women. He was raised to respect them, one of the many things he took from his parents like respecting your elders. He has been hurt though, making him not always prone to share and tell his life story. He's pretty understandable, but hurting his friends...the only people he has left...that's a big fat no.

Alignment| Lawful Neutral

Mental Issue(s)/Phobia(s)| Depression & Philophobia(Fear of Love)

Group| Atlanta/Rick's Group

"I don't have anything, but this group left."

Looks| Cole Sprouse

Hairstyle's| Look at my Pinterest

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Hairstyle's| Look at my Pinterest

Outfit's| Look at My Pinterest

Always Accessory| His Dog Tags

Always Accessory| His Dog Tags

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Tattoo(s)| One on his forearm and the other on his shoulder

Tattoo(s)| One on his forearm and the other on his shoulder

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