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The Hearts- buried the truth
When the Lips- lied
All Nights- darkened the sky
And the Moon- lights it
Time- only travels forward
Memories- stays
Their Emotions- are tangled in a knot


But when the Truth hit me, i shattered. how could it be? How? And why?.

"DAYA... Daya wait please!"

Everyone tends to lose their mind in a state of anger, but I'm not even angry yet, however i lost not only my mind but my soul too. like an empty shell, i feel emotionless, thoughtless well.. senseless in short. All i managed to do was move my legs to run, with no direction nor certain destination in mind. I just want to get myself outta here...,
and never return.

"Daya for god sake stop, it's freaking 1am! It's dangerous out there" Khaleel managed to catch up before i could reach the giant gate of the massive mansion i lived my whole life thinking it was home for me.

He hold me by my shoulders, shaking me vigorously.
"Where will you go if you leave now Daya? You'll only make mom and dad worried, please calm yourself and let's go back inside"

'Mom and dad??! Really? Atleast i thought those titles were true but they're also fake like everything else around here!' that's what I want to yell at Khaleel's face however I don't even have the strength to.

"Let go JK" i managed to utter in a low voice. But being aware of Khaleel's hearing ability I'm sure he heard it.

"No! Even if you don't respect the fact that your wedding ceremony is going on Atleast wait until morning Hidaya" he started dragging my arm making me to move along with him as the light from the angry thunder lights the whole city. It's going to rain soon! I have to leave now or i lose my chance completely.

"Leave my hand Khaleel!" I snatched my arm away from his grip.
"Why do you care about what i do with my own life? You aren't even my real brother are you?" I yelled.

I ran towards the gate again before he could respond, where the security guards stood with lights hearing the disturbing noise.

"Don't open the gates! Don't let her out!!" Yelled Khaleel, and now the rest of the family are starting to join us outside.

Just like the young master ordered. The 7 of them stood shielding the gates from my reach. That means there's no one guarding the emergency door then since all of them are here, i know this is bound to happen so i took a sharp turn to the emergency exit . Thankfully I'm in my pyjamas else running in gowns or skirts would've been difficult.

"Hidaya na please stop! Don't leave my child" cried my so called mom. I want to look back but I didn't dare to, else my heart will break and i will not be able to leave at the end of the day. So Khaleel, Abdallah and Abdulrahman  ran after me.

The dark sky is getting darker signalling that the rain is about to start pouring any moment, and the wind is stronger and cooler, sticking the fabric to my body as i walk opposite to it's direction.

Hearing their steps closer behind me make me realize that they almost caught up so i increased my effort, running faster than my legs could carry me and suddenly growing nauseous and my vision blurred. But i didn't gave up untill i heard a screeching sound in front of me and Khaleel screamed my name making me drop to the ground out of fear.

I almost got hit by a car!
I raised my head and now i could see the flashy light from the car's headlights as drops of the very first rain of the season started patting on my face.

"Hidaya!" I heard that familiar voice.

I exhaled relieved. "ASIF?!"

I placed my palms on the wet ground to help my body up.
"Asif is that you?" I walked to where his figure stood. "Please take me with you, don't leave me here"

But I'm so dizzy that i can't even stand on my feet, so i took a step back and was about to fall when he quickly held my figure in his arms as the rain got heavier and my eyes started closing themselves.

"SADAUKI get your hands off my sister" i caught Khaleel's voice yelling and he was really close.

"Don't be ridiculous, i think by this time the world knows that she doesn't belong to the ALI OMARS. Moreover she's going to be mine as of next week, so i'll appreciate it if you stay away" i heard Asif's voice faintly before i lost consciousness.


A/N: so here's the sequel y'all been asking for💃

Please note: despite being a sequel to my Lifeline, it can be read as a stand-alone which means you'll not be confused if you didn't read book 1 because here HIDAYA is our protagonist not NOOR, and the plot twist in this book won't be spoiled because of it. But; you might understand the family, the characters, and their roles better if you read My Lifeline, just click on my profile and you'll find it completed there waiting for you.

Assalam alaikum warahmatulla wa barkatuh once again lovelies 🥰 another interesting story from your fav😍

Too much love ❤️
Ummu Najma 🥰

Tangled Hearts💞Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu