1: Trip to Riyadh

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I sighed removing my headphones which i was listening to the recitation of the holy qur'an from, after it was announced that we're finally landing and fastened my seatbelts.

Public transport was indeed hell with all those indirect departures, check-ins and check-outs. And it's all because of KHALEEL! Had it not been he invited everyone to his stupid exhibition, i probably would be on my comfortable bed sleeping my head off over the weekend. And for stressing me out i promise to give him three knocks on his head the moment i set my eyes on him.


We landed safely at king khalid international airport Riyadh. The largest city and capital of Saudi Arabia which was formerly known as Hajr Al-yamamah.

And now it's time to meet the Lil devil.

"Mom!" The potato head's voice hit my earbuds as i was struggling with my luggage. I turned to his direction and he engulf our mother in his big hug, shaking her and giggling like a kid.

Though he is! But I don't think he should take that as an excuse to act like one, since his size disagree with that.

He was together with his friends, some looked responsible with trimmed hair while some looked like masculine Rapunzel with those long tied hairs. So i decided to spare him the knocks i promised, for their sake.

"Let me go Khaleel, you'll make me dizzy" mom struggle to get him off her.
He kissed her on her right cheek and finally let her go. Then control his excitement a little before he walks to dad and shake his hand because he knew well he doesn't tolerate his shenanigans.

Dad took him in a brief hug congratulating him in advance with a proud smile on his face making the dumb kid to blush.

Yh he's a Kid, i gotta remind myself of it everytime!

I shook my head in despair and was about to continue struggling with my luggage when he set his eyes on me and he beamed. I eyed him shaking my head, as a 'don't talk to me please' sign. But he ignored it and smirked.

"My Daya!!" He took four strides with his extra-long legs, and he now stood in front of me, blocking my view from anything else other than his chest.

"I miss you so much dear sis..." he tried to take me into a hug but i quickly kick his shin.

"Ouch Hidaya, ouch! That hurts!" He yelped in pain holding his leg while his friends laughed at him.

"Yen, yen, yen! oya move out of my way jare" I mocked and pushed him away then continued with my luggage.

"Let me help" one of his Rapunzel looking friends offered.

"Oh, that's so nice of you, thanks" i handed him the heavy luggage and he drag them without much difficulty, he doesn't look responsible but atleast he acted like it, unlike his coconut headed friend.

I packed a week worth stuff inside even though we're staying for just 3 days, but i just have the habits of doing everything extra for my comfort, i even have my comforter and lamp inside the luggage, i know it's weird that people sometimes consider me a psychopath but i don't care! Comfort is just my fav thing.

"Hidaya we're leaving, you come in your brother's car" Said aunty Lailah.

"What? No way! there's no way I'm dying on my first day of arrival" but too late, they have already left.

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