2: His First Exhibition

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The big day has finally arrived, the day he'll prove to the world and his dad especially, that painting is where he belongs not business.
He'll show him that he didn't make a mistake of letting him follow his dreams instead of pressurizing him to take over the family's company in the future.

"Insha Allah, tonight will be my night" he let out a silent laugh as he stood with his hand on his chin admiring his piece.

His phone beeped in his suit's pocket, he removed it to see a message from Hidaya.

Daya💕: Between murdering JK and staying back which one is easier?.

This girl seriously?!.

He typed and sent me a reply.

JK: getting ready and bringing your small head here!!!.

Daya💕: yh even i thought staying back is best, so enjoy your night little boy.

He felt hurt by my words, how could i think of not being present on one of the most important nights of his life?. He typed the longest reply of his life and send it to me.

JK: you came all the way to Riyadh from Nigeria Daya, that too on a public plane! Why won't you endure a 25 minutes drive to my school and rejoice with me? I want to show you my success Daya, i want to boast about my hardwork in front of you I want you to see me receiving praises and titles. Above everything mom, dad, you and Abdulmaleek have to be here with me...

Daya💕: okay, okay, chill JK, chill don't cry I'm coming okay?.

He snorted staring at my response.  "Seriously?!" And just put the phone back into his pocket shaking his head.


The gallery is starting to get filled with people, while he stare at the entrance feeling uneasy. They told him that they're almost here just a minute ago but he's feeling like it's been over an hour already.

Finally he spotted aunty Zahra, his dad's younger sister, the last born of the Ali Omars. and her husband uncle Aneel who was his dad's best friend. Her eldest daughter Jannah who's three years older than him and is getting married in 2 months, then Abdulrahman, Abdulraheem, Farhan and Aman the youngest.

After that he spotted uncle Habeeb's family, who was his dad's younger brother. His wife aunty Lailah, her eldest daughter Nimrah who's of same age as Hidaya and she's her best friend, then her sister Safeenah. The two of them are late uncle Khaleel's kids, whom he get his name after him. Then Abdallah and the twins Hasna and Hussain.

Then i spotted her, And my heart, skipped a beat. She looks so beautiful in her lilac evening gown and ash-silver chiffon veil/hijab elegantly rolled around her pretty face.


"Hey stop drooling" i scrunch my face and shut his slightly parted lips up  using my thumb and index finger.

"Where's your jagwalgwalo(rubbish)? Let's go and see it so that i can go home soon and you won't cry" i stood by his side.

He sighed and turned now standing face to face, he stare deep into my eyes as he talk.
"Daya are you seriously not excited to be here or are you just faking it to pull my leg?"

I was silent for 10 good seconds, reading his expression before i replied.
"Why would I be excited when I won't even get recognized for it? I can't present your success to the world as my brother nor can i show them you're Khaleel Kaleem Omar. Our relationship as siblings starts and ends in Riyadh but not at our Homeland"

"But I can present you to the world Hidaya I'm not afraid of doing so. I even name my pieces after you." He smiled proud of himself.

My eyes widened "you named jagwalgwalon naka(your rubbish) after me?" My expression suddenly turned to annoyance.

"Hey you should be grateful, so many people wish to be there" he frowned

"Then you should've use their names and keep me out of it!" I glared at him, but deep down i still can't believe what Khaleel said.

"Ungrateful brat" he hissed.

"Dumbo" i hissed back.

"Says someone who couldn't paint despite her father, mother, and brothers being great painters. You should be ashamed of yourself Daya" he shook his head in disappointment and walk past me, hailing "let me go and welcome my family to celebrate their favorite's talent"

Yeah just like i heard about my late namesake (uncle Khaleel), i tried my best to be everyone's favorite just like him by being extra nice and not at all grumpy unlike my big sis Hidaya!.


"Hey" someone tapped his shoulder.

He turned to see Azaan in black suits, green necktie that matches the color of his eyes and his black hair dripping wet.

"you just bathed?!" Khaleel reached to touch his hair but he quickly stepped back, yeah he doesn't like people touching him, looking at him, smiling at him or talking to him. He's like that lonely, silent soul that always wanted to disappear from this world but manages to stay only because the essence of living is to worship.

His personality and behavior sometimes resembles Hidaya, their only difference is she's bipolar, she might be smiling just now and turn grumpy the next minute, and she's a bit talkative with her family and she can crack jokes, also great at sarcasm.
However Azaan's nickname in both high school and college is "the silent of all" and it's true because he can make a week streak without saying anything to anyone.

Nonetheless, as Khaleel made sure I'm always in my comfort zone when I'm with him, he also make sure he makes Azaan speak at least 5 times everyday, whether he likes it or not!.

"The program is starting soon, have your parents arrived?" Khaleel asked him another question knowing that he won't get the answer to the first one.

"Yeah came together" Azaan answered in a single breath.

"Then how comes you're late?" He asked again. Just as expected he just tilted his head to the side not bothering to answer. So Khaleel gave up.

A minute of silence successfully passed between them before he turned to Khaleel again and ask the first question of his life that left him dumbfounded because he could swear this is the first time he mentioned someone's name straight forward, he always address people by their tittle or 'that guy', 'that man' or 'that woman'. Infact he address Khaleel as 9ja and their other friends by their countries names also.

But this faithful night, his question was.

"What about Hidaya? Is she also here?..."


I smell something fishy🧐🙄

Ummu Najma 🥰

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