15: Till we meet

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"phew, finally we're done" i put the last cake pop on the desserts tray and proceed to clap Nimrah's hand but she was lost in a daze.

"My friend what's in your head" i asked genuinely concerned.

She took a glance at the massive filled dessert table with tears filling her eyes.

"This was supposed to be Ammah's job Hidaya" and tears successfully drip down her face.
"I'm angry and mad at her, but i won't lie daya I'm more hurt than anything else, because i love and trust Ammah with my life and... And..." She burst out crying.
"How could she do this to me hidaya? Why my dad of all people? If she wanted to hurt me that bad why not wait untill I'm married then she should marry my husband and I'll be on the same level to fight her head on. Why must she hurt my mother? Zuciyata tana min zogi wallahi (my heart is aching i swear)"

I pulled her into a hug wanting to muffle her cries because of the attention we're getting. that's when i realised that Nimrah is much taller than me so i started patting her on the back. "Shhh...It's okay, Ammah doesn't have to be part of us, I'm here for you Nimmy, and no she won't hurt you or your mom, she won't be allowed to."

"What if my dad still choose to marry her? From what I've heard they've been together for long".

I Break the hug and shook my head "Hajiya will never allow that, my dad will fight it and my mom won't support it."

"I hope so" she wipe her tears, "let's go and get the bride ready for the Walima.

I pat her shoulders proudly "Yes be strong, we can't let anyone find out about this because it ain't happening Insha Allah."

The Walima went out smoothly and soon the day dies off with everyone tired again and ready for the Wedding Fatiha tomorrow.
I can't still believe it's sensible for Hausa people to be spending 4 days and above for wedding celebrations. Believe me I'm not doing it no matter what! I'm okay with 3 days but no more.



I turned to see Jk and Azaan in matching pure white babban riga/agbada with blue embroidery and a matching zanna bukar cap. They both look so takeaway but Azaan was ohhh imagine an arab in babban riga pls🤌🏻

And khaleel has a wide grin plastered on his lips. "I'm not giving you my car!" I declared because his grin says it all.

He put on a pity face "Haba Dayanah, help me noww. I'm taking Azaan and my other friends to the wedding Fatiha, and this dressing deserves a good looking latest car atleast. I'm not complaining about always getting hands-me-down (second hand) from you, beside you're not going anywhere"

I glare at him "I'm going to the bride's house"

He snatched my bag and put his keys meanwhile taking my own "You can take my car. however if you like the bride's house that much why don't you just live there. You have outnumbered everyone's number of visit at this point". He hurried away before i could retort.

"Hmm You'll come back and meet me" i snap.

Khaleel later called me and told me the wedding was done, Jannah is now officially a married woman. And while everyone was giving gifts, Azaan also gift the bride their latest car that only 5 samples were available worldwide and every crazy rich man that heard about it was shocked talkless of nobody like me. I bet Arab generousity we're hearing about must be true because Azaan don't seize to blow my mind these days.

Tangled Hearts💞Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu