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el couldn't believe her eyes when she saw herself in the mirror placed in her bathroom.

this was what she looked like?

her hand held up to touch her own face, trying to get herself to remember any fact about herself.

but she couldn't. she could barely remember her own name.

she ran her hand through her brown strands, seeing how it reached the middle of her back.

it seemed so heavy...

what caught her eye was how when her sleeves rode down a little down her arm, she saw a small white line.

with curiosity, she rolled up her sleeves fully in front of her and she then gasped quietly when she saw how these small lines were scattered all across her arm.

she rolled up the sleeve of her other arm and saw the same lines but in different places.

sitting down on the side of the tub, she inspected the white scars.

where did they come from?

"el?" mike walked through the half open door and she flinched a little at the sudden voice.

"shit, you scared me," he mumbled tiredly, obviously still tired from his sleep.

"sorry.." she whispered, not looking into his eyes.

"are you okay?" he asked, seeing her expression.

she showed him her arms. "what are these?"

he blinked away his tears at the sight. he never saw them this closely. he never saw them.

he took a deep breath. "you made those."

"i did them?"

he nodded. the police had said so after they read her journal.

"yes," his voice cracked.

she looked down and titled her head as she trailed a finger over some of the lines.


"i don't know," he said, "and i wished i did,"


he kneeled down and met her height. "but if you want to, you left a journal behind. the police found it after you.. your accident,"

"what accident did i have?" she asked in a soft and gentle tone.

he took another breath, debating if he should tell her but he had to one day.

"one day at school, you fell from the roof because you.. you jumped."

"why would i do that?"

"i don't know, el. i wished i knew," he whispered as a small tear streamed down his face. "and i wished i could've stopped you because you.. you never showed any sign,"

she frowned at the information. "did i have siblings? or a mom and dad?"

"from what i know, you had a step dad, a half sister and a mom but they moved away long ago," he informed her.

"they gave up on me, didn't they?" she asked and he couldn't help but hold her hands.

to his surprise, she didn't move back.

"i think they just couldn't stay and watch you—"

"you stayed. then why couldn't my own family stay?" her bottom lip trembled, "i'm sorry i don't remember you, i'm try— trying," she whispered as he shushed her and shook his head.

DUSK TILL DAWN , MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now