Chapter 1// inventations

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We had just finish filming Girl Meets World, and I had just got into my own clothes and hung out in my co-star Sabrina carpenter's dressing room. Her boyfriend Bradley is in her dressing room already.
"Hey row!" She says as Bradley is holding her hand. "Hey" I say as I walk in and sit on her couch. "So rowan, Bradley and I were thinking that we could have a get together party and invite our friends and then they sleep over." Sabrina says as she sits next to me. "So like a sleep over?" I ask. "Yeah I guess you can say that." She says.


So I'm getting ready to go to Sabrina's place for the sleepover get together. She told me she invited Cory, Olivia, Bradley, (of course because they are otp) and Peyton. I head over to her house and everybody is all ready there, I knock on the door and Peyton answers it. He looks at me and I blush. WAIT! Do I like him?...maybe I do. But wait He is blushing too?


I got up to open the door, knowing that it's rowan because she is not here yet. As I walk to the door I smile because I have a MAJOR crush on rowan. I now open the door. "Hey Peyton." She says as she blushes. I blush also and I let her in. "Rowan is here!" I say excited. I see Olivia smiling. I wonder why. Me and rowan sit down next to sabrina. This is going to be a good night.

As rowan walks in I notice that Peyton is blushing. I know that he likes rowan so I tell sabrina and then we tell Cory and then we tell Bradley and we all have a plan.

We all pick a movie to watch. We all decided to watch Spy Kids 4, and by that I mean they turned on that movie without telling me and everybody is smiling so I just go with it. While we are watching a movie Sabrina is sitting between me and Peyton and then she goes to sit down with Bradley. Peyton moves over to me a little bit and I blush like crazy. After the movie is over we play truth or dare and eat popcorn. "okay rowan truth or dare?" Sabrina asked. "dare." I say. "I dare you to go get more popcorn, because we need more." she says as she laughs. I get up and go in the kitchen.

Now that rowan is in the kitchen we start our plan.

As Rowan walks in the kitchen everybody is staring at me. "What?" I ask. "come on dude, we know you like rowan." Cory says. I blush and then sabrina sits next to me. "ask her to be your girlfriend! You know you want too." She says. They all keep whispering "ask her out." I finally say okay. Rowan walks in the living room again. "Hey guys what we talking about?" She asked. "nothing." Sabrina says as she gets up and sits next to Bradley. "So Rowan, truth or dare?...again..." I asked her.

"So Rowan, truth or dare?...again..." Peyton asked me. Ugh! Again?! I blush as I talk. "Truth." I say. "okay." He says as he gets up and sits next to me. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. Everybody smiles and I blush and I finally talk. "Does this answer your question?" I kiss him and everybody starts screaming. I finally pull apart and next thing I know Peyton has his arm around me.

For the rest of the night we play games and then we watch movies, and while all that is happening Peyton keeps hugging me and kissing my cheek. I'm so happy.
We finally go to sleep.


It's morning. And as I wake up I see sabrina on the chair with Bradley and I also see Olivia sleep with Cory on the couch. (They are together.) And rowan is asleep on the floor. She is so cute.

After a while they wake up and we all eat breakfast and get called to set. As we all Arrive to set we sit down for table read and then at the of the paper it says Girl Meets First Date. I think to myself, I hope there is a lot of Rucas moments.

Hey! Author here! Let me know what you guys think in the comments and if you want you can give me ideas too. This is my first Reyton book so I hope you guys like it. Kisses! Xoxoxoxo

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