Chapter 4// I should not have done that.

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As we go in our places and the director yells "ACTION!"
"Maya do you think lucas forgot about me?" I asked. "I mean he didn't say anything to me...did I make a mistake kissing him?" I asked. "Riley, he is probably scared." she says. Then I walk off the set and watch the scene. "Hey! Ranger Rick! Why are you avoiding riley?! Then she grabs his shirt and they are nose to nose and then they do a lucaya kiss. The live audience make a "oooo" sound. "AND CUT!" The director shouts.

Sabrina walks up to me blushing. "That was weird but he made it so easy." She says shocked. "Hey remember Bradley? He is AWSOME." I says so she can remember him. "yes I remember Bradley." she says laughing and walking away.
Peyton walks up to me and kissing my cheek. "Hey row." he says. "hey." I say. "So, how is it kissing sabrina?" I asked him. "Not as fun as kissing you." He says hugging me. (Where people can't see.)

All day I've been seeing lucaya scenes and being jealous. I know they were acting but, I'm so jealous. I have to act like Heartbreak riley all day and they get to be happy lucas and Maya. For the last scene The live audience are recording. I walk over to a girl and I tell her to keep shooting.

After the scene is over I walk over to Peyton and kiss him and yell "Peyton and I are dating!" And everybody is cheering. Im not jealous anymore.

Everybody comes to my house. Corey, sabrina, Peyton, and Bradley. We have a good time for a few hours then Carmen and Ashley come down running downstairs. "TURN ON CHANNEL FIVE!" Ashley yells.
I wonder what's going on. "What's going on?" I asked her. "Just watch!" She yells as the tv goes on.

We come across a video sent to us from a fan. The video takes place in a girl meets world live tapping. In the video it shows the young actress rowan blanchard telling EVERYBODY that she and her co-star Peyton Meyer are dating. Rucas and lucaya fans are going at it on social media. The fans are sending angry letters to the producers of the show telling them to stop the lucaya scenes and put in MORE rucas scenes. BUT, the lucaya fans DO NOT want that to happen. We are ALL wondering will the writers make The fans happy or mad? But that's not all we heard. The fan that sent us this, Tells us that rowan TOLD to record her saying that rowan and Peyton are dating. So the rucas and Reyton fans can thank Rowan Blanchard. Congratulations Reyton and rucas fans. Now back to you Nicole.
I think to myself I should have not done that.

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