Chapter 7// Do you smell smoke?

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I walk over to the snack bar and grab strawberries and whipped cream (my favorite) And I sit and eat. I get called to my dressing room.
I walk over to my dressing room. I see flowers they are roses and violets. I wonder who sent me these. I check the card. It says: roses are red violets are blue, I hope we still have a chance because I love you.
-yours truly peyton.
I can't believe He sent me flowers. This is confusing. I know I still love him but I just think we need a break. I really hope this "break" goes well.

I get called to set. We start filming the girl meets world scene.


"Water? You want some water?" I say to Peyton (a.k.a lucas) "Yes please?" He says. "Oh huckleberry, huckleberry what ever bad, bad things you did at your old school your still such a huckleberry." Sabrina says. (A.K.A Maya.) "Why? You need water to rinse a-" I cut him off by spraying him with the water hose. He jumps over the car. "Tell me what you did!" I yell at him. "Nothing ba-" I cut him off by spraying him again. "Riley I will tell you just give me the hose." He says moving nice and slowly as I start to hand him the hose. "Good girl." He says. "Fine. Thank you." I say relaxing. "No, thank you" he says holding up the water hose and starts spraying me. "MAAAAAYYYYYYYAAAAAA" I yell. I get a mouth full of water. "WAIT A MINTUNE! Lucas, I dropped my contact lends." I say bending down. "Oh my gosh riley I did not mean to do that." He says. "Wait since when do you wear contact lends?" He asked. Then I pour water on him. Then the director calls "CUT!"

The producer hands me a towel. I undo my hair and start drying it. Peyton walks up to me. "That was fun." He says smiling. "Yeah it was. Except for the part when you sprayed me in the neck." I giggled. "sorry." He chuckled. "So did you get my flowers?" He asked. "Yes, and I wanted to tell you thank you and that if you can just let me have time to think about it?" I say. "Yeah sure I totally understand." He says. "Peyton Meyer you rock." I say then give him a quick hug.

I got out of those wet clothes and changed into my own. I then get a text.
Jake: Hey row.
Me: hey jake.
jake: want to go to the park?
Me: sure


"Rowan!" I hear Jake yell with a smile on his face. "Hey jake." We do a quick hug. We sit have a fun day at the park and we sit on the swjngs. "Rowan, what's going on with you and Peyton?" He asked. "I told him that I needed to think and that we need a break. But he is okay with it." I say. "Oh well I think if where in his shoes, I would never let you go." He says. I Smile. "Thank you." I say.


I go to the snack bar and I get whipped cream and strawberries and then Peyton sits down with me. "Hey can I ask you something?" He asked. "Sure." I say. "Why did you have to steal my heart?" He asked smiling. "Thats what you get for stealing mine first." I say. We both blush. He then gets the can of whipped cream. "Rowan look at me." he says. I turn around and look at him. He then puts whipped cream on my nose. "Oh my gosh your so going down." I say putting whipped cream on his nose. He laughs. "what?" I asked. "you have whipped cream on your lip." he says. "oh." I say about to wipe it off but then he takes my hand. "I got it." he says leaning in then he kisses me.

Jake walks in and we quick pull away. "um hey guys." Jake says. "hey." I say. "So rowan I was wondering. if you wanted to go get dinner with me." He says. I look at peyton. "Umm I can't....I like somebody else." I say grabbing Peyton's hand. "okay." he says and then he leaves. An hour later Peyton and I watch tv on set. Then he looks at me. "Do you smell smoke?" He asked me.

///authors note/////

Hey I changed my username btw.

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