Chapter 12

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Last night was so awsome! I can't stop smiling!

I got up and I drove to the girl meets world set and I run into sabrina in the Parking lot. "Hey." She says. "Hey." We walked into the set and we hear a "SUPRISE!" Me and sabrina are so shocked. Its a congrats party. Bradley picks up sabrina and spins her around while peyton does the same to me. "You guys are the worst I was not even prepared." I say laughing.

After we leave the girl meets world set I go to my house. I hear a knock on my door. "Hey rowan." Jake says. "Hey." I say while hugging him. "Hey jake." Carmen says. "Hey lil sis." Jake says. To Carmen and I, Jake is our brother. "Let's do a live chat of Carmen and rowan, like we always do but with special guest star, Jake short." Carmen says. I say okay and we set up and I tweet.

It starts. "Hey guys it's Carmen and rowan." Carmen says. "And today we have Jake with us." I Say. "okay let's answer questions." Jake says. "Rowan how was it when peyton gave that Grammy to you?" Carmen says reading the tweet. "It was surprising, because he told me he was going to the bathroom and then he pops out on stage." I explain. "Awww." Jake and Carmen say. "Carmen, will we ever see more YouTube videos?" Jake reads. "Yes, next week." Carmen says.

We end the live chat after a while. Then sabrina and badley came over. Also, corey. We just hung out. Then we all decided to go swimming, night swimming. It was a long night. I notice that I haven't seen peyton all night. That's weird.

I get up and drive to Peyton's house. I see that he is still up. "Peyton?" I asked. "Hey rowan." He says. "why didn't you come to my house?" I asked him. "I was working on this audition for a movie." He says. "A movie?" I say shocked. "Yeah, it was supposed to be a suprise but you caught me." He says laughing. He stands up. "Don't tell anybody." He says. "I won't." I say. He kissed me and we sat down. "So where is this movie going to shoot?" I asked him. "New york." He says. " york?...but that is far." I say. "yeah but this is a GREAT script. I have to get my acting on or else I won't be as good as I was." He says. "Yeah, your right." I say. "How long?" I asked. "Three months." He says. "oh." I say.

Peyton is waiting to see if he made that audition, they said they would call him. I'm always a wreck when I think about it because I don't want him to go. Sabrina says that if he takes this movie role it will be huge for him, but I wish I can go with him but I have to film girl meets world. "Rowan? Are you okay?" sabrina asked. "No, I'm sad about peyton." I say. "Rowan everything is going to be fine-" Sabrina gets cut off. "I GOT THE PART!" Peyton yells. People congratulate him. "That's so cool" I say hugging him. "So when do you leave?" I asked him. "Next week." He says. "Oh." I say.

Me and Peyton spin a lot of time together before he goes off to new york. "Rowan, can I name a diamond after you?" he asked me. "Why do you want to do that?" I asked him. "Because a diamond is pretty but your prettier." He says. i Hug him. "Oh and I have a suprise." He says. "Okay." I say. "You can come to New York with me!" He says. "What?! How?!" I asked him. "Beause I talked to the crew and they said it will be nice to actually shoot in New York." He says. "Oh my gosh! You did this for me didn't you?" I asked him. "Yeah." he says. Then we holds hands and stare at the sky.

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