Chapter 5// How could you do this?

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I started to smell smoke and looked outside the flowers are on fire! I started to cough and notice that the bush was burning the wall. I try to stand up but I can't! BOOM! The whole wall collapsed. The fire got bigger! "Ahhh!" I scream. Then I started coughing. Peyton picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, and runs out the building. "Peyton....everything is" I say. My eyes close, I hear nothing else.

I flutter my eyes open, all I see is four people Infront of me. "Rowan?!" Sabrina says crying while Bradley is holding her shoulders. "Rowan talk to me." Sabrina says. "Sabrina give her time." Bradley says. "Well she is Awake." She says. "Hey brina." I say quietly. "Hey." She says smiling. I look over and see Peyton and Corey next to me. "Hey." I say to Peyton. "Hey love." he says. "what happened again?" I asked. "Well the Makeup building on set got caught on fire and everything else is okay. And I managed to carry you out because you couldn't breathe." He said. "Thank you." I say. I sit up. I notice my scared arm. I touch it. "ow!" I say. Everybody jumps. "Oh, the doctor said not to touch your arm." Corey says. "Well I know why." I say. I hear screaming. "What's that?" I asked. "The fire got on the news and now there is screaming fans outside." Sabrina says. I got up and walked to the window. I open the window and shout "I'm okay!" And close the window and sit back on the bed. Then I hear "We love rowan!" I smile.


I get ready to leave the hospital. Bradley, sabrina, corey, and I ride with Peyton. We go to my house. I sit on the couch and watch Tv. Then I hear a knock on the door. Sabrina gets up and gets it. "Where is rowan?! Is she okay?!" I hear a voice say. "Jake?" I asked. "Yes it's me." He says. "are you okay?" I sigh. "yeah I am." I said.

We all watch tv. "Rowan how is your arm?" Jake asked. "Pretty good but it still hurts a little." I say. I can feel Peyton's eyes widen with anger so I out my head on his shoulder. Then I feel jake's Sad eyes on me so I just sit up. Peyton has a "I don't under stand" face on.


My arm feels a lot better, but it still has a scar. I walk up to Bradley, sabrina, corey, and jake. They are all happy to see that I have my arm wrap off. "So rowan where is Peyton?" Jake asked. "I don't know." I said. I saw Jake smiling. The bell rings and we all go into class.


We all work on the same site so we all have school together. I sit behind sabrina and Jake sits next to me. "Cool if I sit here?" He asked. "its cool" I said. Next thing I know, Peyton walks in the class room. "Sorry I'm late." He says. I can feel him and Jake glancing at each other. Peyton didn't want Jake to sit next to me, so to make Jake jealous he kissed my forehead. Jake eyes widen up. Peyton has a smirk on his face. "Not cool" I whispered.

"Okay class, today we will talk about the two nights and the princess. The princess is in love with Aldo but John is in love with her. Aldo and John fight for the princess. John feels that maybe the princess deserves better and that she should go with him but she know aldo will be crushed. Any thoughts?" The teacher says. "Maybe the princess should go with John because they get along better and they go way back and she enjoys him around as much as Aldo." Jake says smirking then glancing at peyton. "Well maybe she should stay with Aldo and John should except that she loves him more! Also, John is a freak." Peyton says with angry eyes at jake. "What makes you feel your right with rowan?!" Peyton says getting up. "Well me and rowan go way back and get along better and have a lot in common!" Jake says getting up. Peyton got ready to ball up his fist and hit jake. I got up. "You guys, sit down." I say. Peyton puts his fist up. "Peyton look at me" I said. He looks at him. "Okay now sit down." I said. Peyton and Jake sit down.


We went to In N Out to eat. "Bradley, Corey and sabrina sit across from me and I sit in the middle of Jake and Peyton. We have such a good time. I got up to pay, then Jake puts his arm around my waist and says "I will pay for your food." He says smiling. "um thanks." I say pulling away. "Jake leave her alone!" Peyton says. "Here we go again." I say. "Well I would do anything to get rid of you! Why else would I burn the make up set down?!" Jake says. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Did you just say that-How could you do this?!" I say tearing up. "Rowan it's not what you think." Jake says. "Leave me alone." I said running out the place. My heart was breaking.

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