Could this really work

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It's been a month since I told Hermione I was gay and she hasn't changed the way she treated me. It was perfect. the only thing that really changed was the way Draco looked at and treated me. It wasn't the normal rude, hateful way. I'm not complaining, I love it. I just hope that it a sign that he had the same feeling for me.

As I walked down the hall to DADA, I felt someone grab my hand. I gasp and turn to see how it was. It was Draco. A very red and smiley Draco. He looks at me and puts a finger up to his mouth telling me to be quite. I did and he opened my hand and put a note in it, winked and walked away. I stood there smiling until Ron tapped me on the shoulder. " Ay, mate. How long have you been standing here? C'mon we got to get to class." I nodded and followed.

All through class I wasn't really paying attention. It was just review anyway. When I heard the bell ring got lunch, I got up and darted out the door after I told Hermione and Ron I was going to bathroom and that I was going to meet them there.

I ran all the way there. I went into a stale and closed the door. I opened the note and it read,


I know we don't call each other our real names, but deal with. Meet me at the lake 5 minutes to midnight. Please come. Smile at me in lunch if you are.


My heart felt like it was on fire. I ran all that way to the Great Hall and calmly sat down next to Hermione. I looked at the Slytherin table and found Draco looking at me with expecting look in his eyes. I smiled at him and nodded. He grinned and his face grew red. So did mine.

After lunch the rest of the day went fast. I pulled Hermione to the side after our last class and told her everything. She nearly killed me when she hugged me.

I ran to back to the Gryffindor Common Room and up to the boys rooms. I showered and did what I could with my hair and brushed my teeth. I couldn't wait for 11:30.

Is this love? ( Under editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant