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 The next morning, after I told the Order what I knew, Harry and I went down for breakfast. Everyone was there, well everyone but Neville and Blaise. I smirked because I knew what happened last night between them.
 " Oh, hello Draco dear." Mrs. Weasley  walked to me with her ares opened wide. She gave me a bone crushing hug then said " Good lord. You're nothing but a stick just like Harry. I'll fix that. Here eat until you can't." She smiled and motioned to the piles of food. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and more. " Don't worry, she does that to everyone." Harry whispered to me. I laughed, not because it was funny, but at the fact that people where acting like I never betrayed them, like I wasn't sent to kill them all. I liked it.
  After breakfast, Harry took charge. " Okay, so lets sta... wait, someone please go get Neville and Blaise please." Hermione got up and went up stairs. Harry looked at some maps and wrote down a few things while we waited. I knew he was thinking hard because he ran his fingers through his hair and was biting his lip. He looked really hot. 
 When Hermione came down she looked really embarrassed. She happened to be sitting on the other side of me so I leaned over and asked " What did you see?" She turned an even deeper shade of red and said " They were naked, no sheets to cover themselves, and they were still making out.I knocked and they said to come in!" I held back a laugh because the lover boys came down. 
 Harry looked up and smiled. " Alright. Business as usual. Okay, so with the information Draco and Blaise have given us tells us that Voldemort knows where we are.  So should we move in the cover of the night, or stay here and risk it?" " Well if we stay, then we'll have enough room for everyone." Fred said. " Right, but we can use a tent like we did during the Quidditch world Cup and enchant it." Hermione added. They shot ideas around until they decided to stay. " Now, our next move. What should we do? Voldemort is here, at Draco's old home we know that, but he only has that land in that area." He talked on and on about the war and details about it, pausing to let people speak their minds and add ideas. 
  By the time the meeting was over, it was lunch. They finished off the meeting with weighing the pros and cons of setting my house on fire, but said no because it would be pointless because they could just use magic to get of there. 
 " Oie!" Ron said. " Why'd you do that!" Fred ( or George) had thrown a piece of food down his shirt. That made a huge food fight that everyone, but Mrs.Weasley, joined in. It lasted 20 whole minutes. After that we all where covered with random pieces of food. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. It was so weird how things like that can make you forget  that you could die at any moment.

 After everything was cleaned up, Harry took my hand and led us to what I think is his room. " Harry, love, what are you doing?" I asked when he locked the door. He smiled. " What, I can't have alone time with my boyfriend?" " If that's what you want to do, be my guest." I pulled him closer. We both smiled and looked in each other's eyes. His green eyes, Merlin, I could stay lost in them forever. I can't believe I hated him the first years of our time at Hogwarts. I could have had him for even longer, we could be married if this was a normal year where my parents didn't hate him, and weren't working for the biggest dick. Harry and I could be in love with out the fact that we could get each other killed just by being seen being nice to each other.
 " I love you." I said. " I love you too." Harry smashed his lips to mine. I'm never losing him. Not again.

Is this love? ( Under editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن